At the Morninglord's temple

  • Dwin smirks at the mention of Sirion being found innocent.

    I've been out of the hold for little over a ten-day and the one thing I've heard over and over is that Sirion did this thing, and everyone knows it, and she somehow avoided havin' her head removed from his shoulders because of an inadequate court.

    If Fendon was encouraged to attack Ostromog, who knows what else he can be encouraged to do? Put yer minds to it (taps his temple) and think on it.

    If this Sirion lass wants to walk freely within the Realm, she will need to start atoning for this crime… that she didn't commit.

  • Imril will shake his head, but remain in the back of the chamber leaning against the wall as he speaks

    It was determined by the courts that there is no proof of Sirion ever "going" to Fendon in the first place. Though most have their own opinion of him, Sirion has not been proven guilty of such a deed, as of yet.

    After being arrested and tried for such an action I doubt very much that he would be inclined to put himself in such bodily peril for the sake of those whom he considers to be his accusers. Though, stranger changes of heart are told about in the stories of this world…..

    Also it is my understanding that any who would seek to speak with Fendon, even with the purpose of just gathering information, would be guilty of consorting with undead in the eyes of the Divine Shield and would be tired for such a crime.

    How would you seek to bait Fendon? To get him to revile his secret hiding places in speech with Sirion? I think he would be far too clever for such a trick... Is the plan to draw Fendon out into open combat? Or to find his abode? What is needed if I remember my lich lore, being mostly concerned with Baelnorn I am a little out of my league, but I think we must find Fendon's phylactery first.....or a way to destroy his sword perhaps?

  • I was thinking that pewrhaps a paladin can sense it's evil and follow it, though thewre'd be so many evil in the cwrypts that it would be too hawrd.
    So maybe a detect magic spell, such a thing must have lot of magic, and as such should be easily twraceable.

  • If this Sirion was able to go to Fendon once, cant he (is Sirion a lad or a lass? I cant ever tell…) go again? ... as bait, more or less?

    • Wull, Dwin, ah doan see huw else ter deal wif dis fark Fendon but ter fend him! laughs at his own pun. Fact is, huw da fark do we follow sum fog 'round ter git 'ims in his safe place, er sumsuch.

    • 'nd ye, elf, even iffin yer friends aint 'ere, ye kin share wooteva dem knew 'bout dis Fendon… 'nd umbouts Sirion too! Anythin' at dis point wuld be welcome. Ye kin also figure our sum spell er sum finger-wrigling somethin' ter follow da red mist when our stell brake Fendon's carcass.

  • ::A radiant figure enters the temple with a bright smile::

    I heard this place went a bit dark in the last few months…

    ::The Dawnbringer winks an eye to Ashena:

    Well, let's Light it up.

    ::She then goes to stand next to Janick, watching and listening::

    //I still can't play Rith much if at all, but count on her to aid with RPish stuff, Lathanderite rituals and such. She'll be happy to do what she's asked to. 🙂

  • A quiet figure in the back ground, who as until now remained unnoticed in his silent observations of the conversation, clears his throat and steps forward from where he was casually leaning against the wall.

    I am no cleric, and though I have some skill with the Weave, I am by no means a mage of any note.

    All I can offer you is my service with blade and spell….to help in whatever plan is being concocted. It seems like those more well versed in such have things well in hand. He looks to Hope and Ashena I hold no allegiance to Norwick, however, I would not see her people or any innocents for that matter come to harm again if I may help stop it. Therefore I ask that you consider me in your planning, if you need my aid, you have but to ask.

    I wish I could speak for the whole of the Shesae, but many of my kin have turned to other tasks at present and many are away in far lands….so I can only speak for myself.

    At this Imril hangs his head slightly, his golden hair falling in front of his eyes, a look of concern on his face as the corners of his mouth droop in a shallow frown. He looks up again to the group, nods firmly, and steps back to lean against the wall again, arms crossed over his breast.

  • Ashena listens closely, seeming glad to hear more people voice their opinions and advice.

    "None of what we face shall be an easy task, this is clear, but try we must, regardless. I'm in agreement with Hope in that faith shall be our one true shield, and the ritual planned is meant to work as such; to be Norwick's shield, so that we are free to march out without fear of undead ravaging the town in our absence. It will not help us fight Fendon, not as such, though tis not impossible it will weaken whatever dark ritual he himself is concocting.

    I'm heartened to see the Hold liberated, this gives me fresh hope that we can yet see this through with success. We ~will~ need steel and shield, no doubt about that, and supplies to last us a prolonged fight. On that note, should the stouter amongst you be able to procure rough spell crystals, bring them to me and I will store a blessing from Torm within, so that your blades, axes and hammers will glow with divine light to harm the undead better.

    As for the mist.. I believe those more well versed in magic than I might have a few suggestions?"

  • Following Vanderkaus is another Dwarf, he listens to Vander and nods his head as Vander makes his points.

    I'd just like to say that I am very pleased to see that the spiritual leaders here have gathered and are helping shepherd Norwick through this dangerous time.

    I would hope that the likes of Mariston, Shannon, and Daisy from Peltarch likewise make an appearance–should they be able to travel in their advanced ages--as they have always helped bring Light to the Darkness that so often plagues our realm.

    In times such as these when we have multiple threats, it seems that prioritizing them in some way helps everyone focus on shared goals. Is everyone's thinkin on this the removal of Fendon from this world once and for all is the place to start? Sounds like a good plan to me...

  • Vanderkaus walks in the room, and queitly listens to those gathered, before speaking.

    • Yas aw should know dat goin into dat purple door, iffn dass rully where da fark is, tis nay un easy task. Ah wus der unce ter rescue sum friend, tis dangerous ground dat'un.

    • Anoder thing, durin dese times, tis seems Norwick wull need sum strong folks ter organize 'nd ressuplie 'nd aw dat. Sum people 're speakin bouts dat as we talk now. In no time sum uv 'em wull join us in dis conversation.

    • Lemme juss r'members yas dat iffin Davos wus roit, 'nd we can't trust magics 'gainsts dat Red fark, der's lita dese rutual wull do ter help. Steel and shield are du betta bets ter our cause.

    • 'nd lemme tell yas anoder thing, has anyn 'ere came up with a plan on huw ter follow dat red mist yet? 'cause… dass sure sum big problem, ter me.

  • Ashena gives Hope a solemn smile, then scans the room quietly for a moment before continuing.

    "I had hoped to see more people from Norwick here today, but these are troubled and busy times, verily. Hope has outlined the first part of the plan very well, so I wish to share now what information we have when it comes to fighting Fendon himself. This comes from Davos, though where he learnt it in turn, I know not.

    According to Davos, Fendon is a lichblade, and he believes t'was Kara that turned him into such, through the gift of that accursed blade which he weilds. The sword is the key both to his transformation and to his possible demise, tis thought, and he keeps it with him at all times. However, when and if Fendon's physical form should be destroyed, he and the blade both turn to red mist and dissipate, the blade returning to a hiding place as yet unknown. Here, it is vunerable until Fendon too reforms to claim it, 24 hours later.

    To defeat Fendon for good, one must then first destroy his physical form - very strong and resilient to much magic tis said, melee damage is Davos' recommendation despite the deadly skills Fendon possesses at such. Then, we must find the sword within the time frame given, and destroy it. If we cannot do the latter, Fendon will return as strong as before, and we shall have to start all over."

  • The priestess beside Ashena steps forward, interjecting in as strong a voice as she can muster.

    Ah… a moment to speak, if I might. 'Tis an enemy of darkness which we face, one which doth not sleep. The Norwick militia is beleaguered and weary; they need some respite. I believe that, in granting them that, lies our chance to defeat the vampire Fendon. 'Tis difficult for our fighting men to organize a counteroffensive against the undead when each night our gates are pressed, and each of their men who falls in their defense rises to bolster Fendon's unholy host.

    Sir Davos' scouts have discovered information which may lead us to the recovery of a lost holy relic; the Shroud of Ilmater. By its power, and the power of many priests of the Gods of light, a ritual might be performed to consecrate the whole of Norwick, making it nigh unto unassailable by undead for a time.

    If all should go as planned, 'twill allow us to organize a true counterattack against them from a fortified position, as well as granting us with time to devise a means of laying Fendon and perhaps even the souls of Old Norwick to rest, once and for all.

    W-We are engaged in a great struggle. 'Tis a conflict not only of swords and bows, men and steel, but also of the spirit; light versus darkness. Our enemy wields darkness as its weapon, and we use naught but swords and men against it. Let us come together now in Faith. Let us wield the light of the Triad as our shield.

    With the blessing of the Gods we shall soon have the Shroud. Alas... ahm... if we should find it, Fendon will do all that he can to see the ritual ended before it hath begun. For us to see the dawn, I must beg your aid and patience.

    Ah... thank you. Blessings be upon you all.

  • Romulus raises his hand and then steps forward to speak.

    "Once, long ago, I had a personal encounter with Fendon in the Norwick crypts. I did not know who he was at the time; indeed, I had never heard of him before. My friends and I were attacked by a powerful undead champion near the purple door on the first level of the crypt. None of our party could hurt him seriously and we tried to run out of the crypt.

    The others made it out, but I got trapped against the doorway and fell before I could get outside. I did not go to the fugue. Instead, I woke up in a small room with Fendon standing before me. He introduced himself and taunted me that none of my friends cared what happened to me. I immediately cast invisibility on myself and ran out the door. It was a real room in the far northwest corner of the first level, to the left and behind the profane alter.

    Fendon can see invisibility and easily followed me. I got hemmed in by profane zombies on the narrow bridge. Fendon stepped in and destroyed the zombies, but I ran the opposite direction. There is no escape from the bridge in that direction and Fendom came right to where I was hiding and spoke to me.

    He warned me to "Beware the darkness." Then he let me go. I ran across the bridge once more, using my hiding skills, and escaped from the crypt. My friends were just outside the crypt, coming to look for me. I told them this tale, and also reported it to the Legion.

    I can show anyone that wants where the room Fendon talked to me was located. I have been there several times since then and he has not been there.
    I offer this information for whatever it is worth."

  • María steps forward, staff on hand and leaning not-so-lightly on it

    I will go stwraight to the point. She takes a deep breath I scwryed Fendon, and he eithewr didn't notice the scwrying, owr he didn't mind it at all.
    He was doing nothing of wrelevance, but I payed mowre attention at the wroom he was standing in. I identified the stones of which the walls of the wroom wewre made, and they happen to be the same as the cwrypt's by the gwraveyawrd. Howevewr that wroom is none of the usualy found ones down thewre. This means most pwrobably that thewre's a hidden doowr somewhewre down thewre, owr that we have to go thwrough the "puwrple doowr".