Velik Selkirk


    The bright sun of the Southlands crested the ruddy peaks of the Walls of Halruaa. As its warming rays illuminated the heights, the thick clouds of mist which shrouded the tops of the mountain passes with the coolness of evening began to churn and swirl. Soon the full heat of the day would boil these nightly vapors away reviling a cluster of grandly built stone edifices which clung to the reddish brown sides of the mountains and crowned its bald top.

    One structure in particular stood out from the others in its grandeur, a magnificent construction with soaring spires that seem impossibly tall alongside the steep mountain slope. Like the grand towers of the wizards in the cities below on the plains which stretched toward stormy Lake Halru, the temple is built primarily of stout stone, but it also includes crystalline walls and permanent walls of force. It is no mystery to which god this temple is dedicated as few are paid any heed in Halruaa aside from the Mistress of Magic.

    The great temple complex of Mystra on Mount Talath, one of the largest centers of Her worship, stands as a sentinel on the great Western Wall of Halruaa, along with the bulwark of Talathgard below in the pass which leads to the Northwest. As the sunlight begins to slant through the high windows of the temple, a cry is heard, a cry of distress and fear, in a well appointed bed chamber a venerable woman awakes in a cold sweat. Soon lone foot falls can be heard in the grand halls of the temple, a figure strides toward a large set of Electrum plated double doors, embossed with the symbol of the Goddess of Magic. He walks tall, erect, looking neither left nor right, but focused in his directions. The sunlight glances off his olive skin and ebony hair, his armor, well shinned and embellished with brass and electrum chasings jingles as he walks. A holy symbol of Mystra bounces upon his breast as he reaches the door, hesitating just slightly before taking the ring and opening it.

    The room beyond is lavish, intricately woven carpets cover the floors, gold and electrum statutes and motifs are all about. The room is lit by the now bright rays of the southern sun as well as several magically enchanted candles which drift about the vaulted ceiling. Near the back of the room upon a small rise of steps is a long carven table, strewn with papers, scrolls and books. Three people stand about it, all dressed the same in purple and blue robes, each seemingly dressed to outdo the others. One of the three is an ancient woman, she too wears the Symbol of Mystra, looking up from the table as the door opens she nods and speaks. “Selkirk, good you have arrived as I expected. Come forth we have much to discuss.”

    Doing as commanded, Velik stepped into the room just before the dais and bowed his head. “Knowledge and understanding to you all, I am at your command, Priestess Sontoin” She looked him over before placing both hands palms down on the table to support her aged frame. “I have been granted a warning by our Goddess, Selkirk, a warning of a grave misuse and twisting of the Weave. It came to me in a dream in the early morning this day. I have been in discussion with the others of our faith, and the leader of your order, we have decided we must send someone to see if such a divination is true. We would be remiss in our faith to the Lady of the Weave if we did not…..”

    Velik looked concerned over this news; he of course had heard the rumors of such an occurrence. They had been circulating through the barracks of the Knights of the Mystic Flame since first light. But he never thought he would be called to discuss, or at least to hear them first hand from the High Priestess of Mystra herself. “And what knowledge was shown to you in this warning Priestess?” He answered respectfully.

    Sontoin looked down briefly as she began to speak again. “It seems some power in the North has uncovered a magic item, one which holds great potential to twist the Weave to evil purposes. A similar item was used many years ago, and it has created a blight which lingers to this day. We cannot allow such an affront to our Lady’s powers to be used again. Such a perverse thing must be recovered and destroyed, and who better to do so than Her chosen servants, us sons and daughters of Netheril.”

    “Who better indeed, none I would say…” Velik answered with the confidence of the devout and hubris of a wizard. Though deep down he hoped that he personally would not have to leave the utopia of his beloved land, he fought back a frown at the thought of walking in the cold northern wastes, among unenlightened barbarians.

    “Good I am glad you agree….” She said this matter of factually. “Since you are most junior among the order here, and therefore of the most youthful spirit, it has been decided that you will go forth to seek the truth of this vision.” Velik new this meant he had the least clout in the order being its newest member and therefore had no way to refuse this request. “Our divinations tell us there is a temple to our Goddess near to where this abomination of an artifact maybe found, in a city known as Peltarch, make for this strong hold of our faith as they may be able to lend you aid in your search in that far land. My vision from Mystra has told me the name of that which you seek, it is known as The Demon’s Egg. Find word of this thing, and aid in its destruction; send to us any knowledge you can as well.”

    “If it is the wish of the Order then so shall it be done…I will do what I may with Her help and knowledge…” Velik replied stoically, knowing he was in for a long cold trip north.

    “Oh and one other thing Selkirk…” Sontoin spoke as he turned to leave the chambers “Hellefnier’s daugther wishes to go outside the Walls, Mystra knows why….but we have seen fit to grant her request.” Velik’s eyes narrowed as a look of frustration crossed his face briefly. “Her father has made a generous donation to the Order to see this trip through. Also, she is a Wizard of a good house of this land, we on the council do not wish to see any harm come to her, therefore she will be your charge and in your care, as your paths lay together for many miles. Protect her, as is your oath and see her returned to us.” Velik spoke through tight lips and half clenched teeth “Of course Enchantress, it will be my pleasure to take her under my care. I swear by the Weave no harm shall come to her unless I first be dead…”

    “Good Selkirk, meet her at the temple docks tomorrow, the skyship Raumark will await to take you beyond the Wall…..Oh, and Selkirk, see that the latter part of your oath does not come to pass.” She ended flatly as he strode back out of the chambers.


    “Is THAT it? My, what a large city, but it is so drab, all ugly stone, no crystal walls or magically colored stone….still I wonder what new things lie within its plain shell!” The bubbliness of the brightly dressed elf’s voice brimmed with curiosity. Velik’s hand tightened on the grip of his sword, “From the looks of it most likely it is similar to the uncouth places we have been at on our journey north….an abode of scum and villainy, we must be cautious Enchantress….” Dajin Hellefnier’s delicate elven features formed an impish smile, “OH, Velik you are such a broken wand…come on I am sure it can not be that bad! Lets go see!” As she took off toward the walls, like a child heading to play in a park, Velik raise a hand “Mistress…..” then he signed letting it fall to his side as he strode after her “As you wish….”

    Character Name: Velik Selkirk
    Login: teflonbilly

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