
  • Legion

    Most of the following was scrawled onto the walls of his legion Cell with … brown paint? The rest of it was written onto pieces of cloth or scraps of parchment.


    Grobble is yellow.

    Grobble has orange spots.


    Grobble does the being smart to not be dead.

    Secrets he eats the tongue that tells them

    Tonight Grobble shall eat horse for dinner maybe Yes

    Bow before Ghost Lady


    Grobble does the writing for the making better of common through practicing.


    A story by Grobble.

    Once upon the times there was a goblin whose name is being Grobble.

    He was doing the smart to not be dead. Other goblins be dead because Bugbear Overlord Master Krashu send us to fight and die.

    Krashu is brown. Krashu has hair in some places but not is hair in all places. Krashu laughs when goblin is die. Krashu send goblin to fight when knows will die and laughs because he likes to see goblin die.


    One day Grobble did the staying alive by the be smart. Grobble knowed that being useful to Krashu would mean he not go to fight and be dead. Krashu is no counting so Grobble learns the numbers so when Krashu needs the counting Grobble is there with the knowing of numbers. Krashu is no reading so when Krashu needs reading Grobble is there with the knowing of letters. Grubble was best slave to Krashu ever. Grobble does the rubbing of the feets, and the shoulders, and the bursting of the boils. Krashu has important meet with other bugbear. Grobble is there to bring the drink and for them to beat for the making of laughing. Grubble was the best slave ever.


    One day Krashu anger was being all day. Krashu is very anger. Grobble is throw by Krashu because of the cranky anger. Krashu say get out Gubble I am anger at yoo and yoo get out I kill yoo. Krashu makes all the goblin attack hoomuns on bridge. Grobble want to live and not being dead so Grobble used the being smart to not be dead. Grobble cuts string on bow and uses sheet from hoomun town as white flag for the waving. With the smart Grobble is know that the waving of the white flag is for the surrendering. So Grobble waits and at end of fight Grobble goes to hoomuns with the waving of the flag and with the saying of surrender. Hoomun says that if Grobble has no weapon and is saying surrender then is getting the mercy.


    Bugbear who watches goblin to make sure they are attacking sees Grobble saying surrender. He tries to kill Grobble but hoomuns save Grobble with the killing of Bugbear. Grobble is happy. Hin hoomun tries to kill Grobble with spear. Hoomuns heal Grobble to save from the being dead. Grubble is happy. But hoomuns not kill hin hoomun like they killed the bugbear. Grobble is sad.

    Feemale hooman like ghost says she own Grobble so will hurt ones who are killing him. Ghost lady is like the way shaman does the being like ghost. Ghost lady takes Grobble to her tower to puts it in her dungeon. Along the way meets a mighty hoomun who breaks wind like the thunder! Grobble joke and called him Thunder God. Ghost lady says that she will not beat me yet. Soon Grobble will rub her feet and her shoulders and burst her boils and her friends will beat Grobble for the making of laugh. Grobble is with new Overlord Master in nice dungeon. Grobbel was happy.

    The end.

  • Legion

    [[After his arrest and immediate release, Grobble makes a list of ways he may gain more favour with the townfolk of Norwick. He had been away for a long time, and there were some who did not know who he was, how he had offered a powerful surrender, and that he was an accepted, or at least tolerated, resident of Norwick]]


    • DO not murder anybody.
    • DO say "hello" kindly to fellow humans, especially guards! Have the smile of the face when saying "hello".
    • DO stop stealing eggs and chickens.
    • DO remind everyone that they must do the kill of all goblins on sight!
    • DO try to explain for the making of Norwick to have knowing of Grobble being a human now and not a goblin, despite the sight of Grobble's goblin body in their eyes.
    • DO the slaughter of many of the enemies of Norwick! But not too much slaughtering of Goblins. The slaughtering of Goblins leads to mistrust to some as it is Grobble "killing his own kind" - which is a LIE! (I use upper case for each letter to show that I shout that word in my write) But that's okay because they have no understanding in their brain of Grobble being a human of Norwick now.
    • DO Grobble's pee and poop business in the privacy and not on the street.
    • DO the give of help to people and presents, and to not shout at them demanding they pay or do help in return.
    • DO not set bear traps or other kids of traps in Norwick for the injury or kill of Norwick people.
    • DO not run in Norwick. Only do the travel at the speed of walk. People like it better when there is the speed of walk.

  • Legion


    I am so glad that I did the find of this diary in the ruins of the Dwarven Hold! Now I do the having of this diary OH so much WRITE into it shall GROBBLE DO!

    I do the writing of capital letters to do the simulate of volume increase.

    Grobble is very spiritual in this heart of him.
    Also the lungs, stomach, and other organs.

    When Grobble does his mighty surrender to Norwick, Overlord DWIN DOLVAK did the make of Grobble to swear NEVER to do hurt to people in Norwick. Grobble does the swear by MORADIN! who is the god of dwarfs. Grobble has much love for MORADIN and of dwarfs. He also does the make of me to SWEAR not to do murder to HIN. Grobble swears but in his heart does the feel that this was the wrong thing to make Grobble swear.

    • BUT a SWEAR is a SWEAR! -

    Grobble does not break the swear.
    Overlord DWIN even does the say that Grobble must NOT cut off the face of the HIN and wear it like a mask to make the TERROR in the hin. So Grobble does not do the cutting off of the face for the wearing of it as a mask.

    • Because a SWEAR is a SWEAR! -

    Grobble does not break the swear.

    Now in the pass of times Grobble does the worship of TEMPUS! Oh such PRAYS and WORSHIPS does the Grobble give to the MIGHTY GOD TEMPUS! And he does the give to Grobble POWERS! Even though Grobble is NOTHING but the jam between the toes of the MIGHTY FEETS OF TEMPUS - he does the hear of my prays and sees the doing of my worships.

    And in the pass of time I find a sword. Oh such a SWORD did Grobble FIND! Curved, sharp, and with the magic runes for the making of the sword to LOVE TO KILL HIN! Serious ... the sword is THIRSTY for the BLOODS OF HINS!

    It was like Tempus did the give of this sword to Grobble and say "here Grobble. I do the love of you and give to you this gift for the murdering of ALL HINS! You do the break of your swear and oath now - ARISE AND SLAY ALL THE HIN!".

    ... it is like he does the say of that - with those exact words - but in the form of a metaphor with me doing the find of the sword.

    So Grobble is very spiritual in this heart and all other organs. He does the love of MORADIN and will keep the OATH SWEARING to him - AND - he does the love of TEMPUS who wants for grobble to FIGHT against the evil of all HIN! ... so it is like Grobble is at the spiritual crossroad.

    • the crossroad being the metaphor for grobble having a choice of four different roads ... but instead of four it is two ... so the metaphor should really be of just a road that goes both to left and right, but if you say "spiritual road" as the metaphor nobody undertand that as a metaphor for CHOICE but only that you are on a spiritual journey ... SO I do the say of crossroad so you read and have the understand of my choice in the brain of you.

    I have not seen with my eyes the priest of TEMPUS for many times. If I do the see of one I get it to ask TEMPUS what he likes. And of the priest of MORADIN to see if he will do the release of Grobble from the swear or the bind of him to it.

    We will see.

    Also, Potatoes are the best thing for me to eat. Oh - such potatoes shall Grobble have!

    The end.

    alt text

  • Legion

    The Blackguard strode through the dock area, black cloak billowing, flanked by an acolyte.
    “So you say this tracker is one of exceptional skill?”

    The acolyte swallowed his fear down before replying, “Y - yes my lord. According to the records we managed to salvage from the ruins of our temple, he has a reputation for being an excellent tracker.”

    “I hope so, … for your sake” replied the unholy warrior menacingly, his voice echoing within his dark helmet. “The Black Hand is not as forgiving as I am. “

    The pair arrived at a docked ship that was unloading cargo and slaves. The acolyte approached one of the sweaty sailors. “We … err … WISH to see your CAPTAIN … at ONCE!”

    “Oi I be thar Capt’n.”

    “Right,” stuttered the acolyte “.. well … permission to come aboard?”

    Without waiting the Blackguard strode up the boarding ramp and onto the deck. “Pull up your anchor.

    The flustering Captain, who had flowed the blackguard onboard, replied cautiously, “Well we still be tied up to the dock me … dark … lord… we – “

    “You will regret making me ask again. PULL UP YOUR ANCHOR!

    The Captain whistled at some crew members who began hastily hoisting up the anchor. Eventually it broke the surface and was dangling beside the hull of the ship.
    “Bring it up onto the deck … please” the acolyte asked, in a submissive yet serious tone. The Captain glanced at the blackguard, who at this point had the captain totally unnerved. He whistled again and nodded to his crew. With a huge effort they managed to bring the weed covered anchor up onto the deck. “Bring it upright please.” At this point the crew began obeying the words of the acolyte and his master rather than waiting for a whistle from their captain. The “anchor” turned out to be a stone statue of a goblin, with a curved metal bar slung over its shoulders. Its arms were draped over the bar scare crow fashion. The ankles were together with feet apart providing a base onto which to tie the rope. The acolyte pulled a lump of fleshy stone from his satchel and began rubbing it over the statue. The stone began to darken, and then change colour until it was the hue of yellowish green goblin skin.

    Grobble sank a little under the weight of the metal bar slung over his shoulders, “ -heavy … how long you want me to … hey … where is-“.

    You are Grobble?” asked the blackguard in a deep, menacing voice.

    “.. yes … but if yoo do the ask because yoo look for the one who did the crimes … it WASN’T ME! I swear. Besides, I am the good frend of yoo, and I never do cri-“

    SILENCE!” Barked the blackguard. “You will track down the one responsible for the destruction of our temple.

    “Oh … well … I not the slave. So … I’m not going to do it.”

    The acolyte, along with the crew of the ship, were both stunned and slightly amused. They were sure the goblin would be brutally slain.

    “ … for free. I mean … slaves do the doing of things for free because they are the slave. But yoo have to give me coins. And not just the copper ones. I need a gold coin for THIS job. Maybe even TWO!” The iron bar over Grobble’s shoulders tumbled onto the deck as the goblin wriggled loose.

    “Very well … creature. You may have coins. Ten of them. If you bring back to me inform- “ The ship lurched as panels along the keel suddenly warped, letting water gush into the hull. The ship quickly tilted on its side, sending the blackguard and most of the crew into the inky black water. Grobble scrambled up onto the side of the boat that wasn’t submerged and managed to leap onto the dock as the vessel vanished beneath the waves. Some of the sailors had managed to escape the sinking ship and swam over to the dock, but the acolyte and the blackguard were nowhere to be seen, their armour dragging them straight into the depths where, legend has it, untold horrors lurked.

    Hmm ..” Grobble grumbled. “how does he give to me my coins now?” Some of the slavers spotted the goblin, and began moving toward him, hoping to gain product for their trade. Grobble took out his bloody rag, “Boy! So glad I have THIS! I think it did give to me luck! Yes you know that if you eat the heart of a HIN that you gain the LUCK of it?!” The slavers went back to what they were doing “ … not that I have eaten the heart of a Hin of course … because that would be the crime. And ANYONE who says that I DID eat the HEART is A LIARr!”. At this stage nobody was really listening.

    [[Mostly an explanation of where Grobble has been while I was AFK for the last 5 years.]]

  • Legion

    Just updated a few posts with broken links to my daft gobble vids.
    Here are a few that were missing.

    Happy HALLOWEEN!!

    Educational Video I - Kobolds
    Educational Video II - OOC vs IC

  • hilarious, as always

  • Legion

  • Legion


    To the one who does the read of this diary,

    Yesterday I did many talks with a human from the Dread City of Peltarch who name is being Jason. He is old. He does the worship of a human god called Illmater. He has two squires - which are being people who he adopts or just has so that they can do the learn from him to be a warrior. Even though he doesn't fight. But he does the teach of him and they follow where he goes.

    Before he did the give to me of many books about how he has a special rod of Illmater. I read all of them. So many books! So I do much knowing of him.

    Today Jason told me he wants coins and moneys. He wants to give it to Overlord Dwin and other Dwarfs to make a "base" for him. I try to give to him advices of how to take moneys off his enemies. But he doesn't want to do that. He doesn't want to do kill to his enemies or steal from them. I try to explain that to become rich you have to make someone else poor. There is no getting richer without someone else getting poorer. But he doesn't listen to that.

    Maybe he could make his base out of dirt and wood and animal skins! So much better. Especially better for him if he doesn't want to do the make of other people being poorer by making a base that needs coins. I would say that to him but I won't. I want him to give moneys to Overlord Dwin and his Kins so that they can make him his base. So Jason is poorer and Overlord Dwin so much richer! So good!

    I also did the Clean of Overlord Dwin's floors today. So covered with dirt and filth they were! I did the sweep and the mop of them. Now the rats won't get dirty when they walk on the floor. The belly of the rats get large with foods and with baby rats so the belly of them drags on the floor. Now when the rat belly drags it will stay clean. Good.

  • Ha! Good one. I always wondered what the true story was…

  • Legion


    Merry EASTER from GROBBLE!

  • Legion


    When you do the eat of foods it goes into your body. The body then does it's magic to it and makes it change. Then the poop comes out.

    Sometimes my feel is that I am like the foods that Norwick did eat. I am inside the Norwick being changed. But instead of poop coming out I am being better. I was more like poop going in with the nice thing coming out. So opposite.

    Grobble is being the poop that Norwick ate.

  • Legion


    To diary.

    Today while doing the give of worships and prays to the massive human god in the north there was much fire and exploding! I was with much fear because of it but then I did not have the fear. The statue of Tempus did have his massive hand stretched out like he was doing the point at Grobble. While I was trying to do remember of whether or not statue was doing point before a carved rune dropped out of the hand of statue. I did the reading of it with my knowing of letters and did feel that the rune was for the making strong. I did the put of the rune into the offering but my heart was doing the knowing that the rune was for me to do the keep of.
    I do the give of a special pray to Tempus and say that we both do the enter into worshiper – god relationship. I do the give of worships and prays to him and the doing of his dogmas and the give of gifts to him. He does the protection of me and the give to me of powers and the love of me.

    Sogar may be being anger at this. I have not doe the tell of him yet that I enter into the worshiper – god relationship with Tempus and not with him. He will have much anger with me because he does not give much like to Tempus. Also he wants to be the demigod and commands the Grobble to do the give of worship to him. I think that maybe the next time I do see of him I will do the run and hide.

    Today I also did the pick of a large nugget from my nose. It was crunchy but with a wet tail that wrapped around my finger once I had pulled it out. It was a sign I think.

  • Legion

    A letter written to Dread Overlord Dwin Dolvak


    Dear Dread Overlord DWIN DOLVAK

    May you feet feel the warmth of you enemies blood splashing across them.

    First of all I would like to do the draw of you attention to the improvement of Grobble’s penmanship! So good is the Grobble’s penmanship! I do not do the draw of attention to this hoping that you do the pay rise for Grobble. That would be nice but that is not the reason. Seriously.

    The reason I have the urgency to do the write of a letter to you is for religious reasons. During the Grobble’s wander he does the find of the massive statue of human god. I did give of worships to it and of prays. It was good. But yesterday I did the meet of a big human man with a scary mask on. His name was being Sogar. We did the talk of gods and he says to Grobble “what god do you do worships to?” And I say “this one here” and he says “I don’t like Tempus!” and then does the smash of the statue and altar with much power.

    Sogar then says to Grobble “you do the worships to my god now”. So I say “where is the statue of you god for me to give the worships to it?” and he says “I am statue of my god made out of meats. You do the worships of me to make me demigod!”

    I tell the Sogar that I need to be talking about this issue to you first. He does the great insulting to Tempus so I think that he is in big trouble with him. So it would be good for him to become the demigod so he maybe will be able to resist the troubles he is in. Yes Grobble things it would be good for Sogar to be a demigod to avoid troubles that he is in.

    But I do the swear to be valued employee of you with the swearing on you axe Goblin Bane. Oh so much swearing to be faithful valued employee does the Grobble do! So I wanted to ask you first just in case doing the give of worship to Sogar for him to become a demigod is breaking the oath I did take on you axe.

    It also got me to do the think – why don’t you do the try of becoming a demigod?

    You tell me what I do the worship to and I do the worship to that.

    You valued employee,


  • Legion



    DIdnt get to watch the whole thing, but you must have had a lot of fun with that!

    // oh you really need to watch it to the end for the video to have its full sanity stripping effect.

  • :lol:

    DIdnt get to watch the whole thing, but you must have had a lot of fun with that!

  • Legion

  • Legion

    written in handwriting that shows great improvement in penmanship. Grobble's common is obviously getting better.


    Dear diary!

    May the bones of your enemies make cracking sounds as they snap beneath your feet.

    Today I did the coming home after being in the prison of Norwick. Grobble gradually was becoming not hated in Dread City of Norwick, but for suddenly Guard Timot and a fee male hooman with bow did the beat of grobble. They did the angry talking to him first, and then the chasing and trying to do hurt with bow and axe. Oh such chasing did they do! I do not run far because the law is saying that if you run away then yoo are being guilty of what yoo do the run away from. But guard did not say why he do the beat of me? He says yoo show papers. I show him the Dolvak rune like I always do. He says I don't care about yoo Dolvak Rune I smush yoo! So I run. Oh such running did I do! But around in circles and not away because I not want to be in trouble for running away.

    So he does the beat of me and the fee male does the shooting of an arrow into my bottom. He then did the put of me into prison. That was nice of guard to be making the Grobble be in Norwick Prison. I did think he would do the kill of me! Norwick prison has the good rats. Juicy with much fat and not being scrawny.

    Eventually they do the release of the grobble.

    I did like the stay in prison but the reason for the Grobble being there is still being chased by mind and I not catch it yet. (in brackets I explain that is using language to say Grobble doesn't understand yet). So many hoomans do the teach of grobble that Norwick does not do the slave keeping, but some hoomans still do the beat of grobble like the slave. Some hoomans say they do the like of Grobble, but others shoot the arrow into his butt.

    I need to be doing things that makes the hoomans like the Grobble! Yes the doing of hero things so they like and don't do the beat of him! But what does the Grobble do? I will get onto that question with thinking. I will defeat the not knowing the answer of that question with the swinging of the sword of being clever (in brackets I explain that is using language to say that Grobble will figure it out).

    That is all I write for now.

  • ((Fantastic. Looks like Dwin better check in soon at home!))

  • Legion

    another random diary entry


    I am having a time that is greatly good.

    Dread Overlord Dwin (may his feet be warmed as the blood of his enemies splash across them) is away often. This is good. Grobble has much time to himself in Overlord Dwin house.

    Two rats have birth to many baby rats today. Another two have the large belly ready to do have birth! Soon there will be so many rats! One of them did bring home a cat two days before today! So many powerful rats shall Overlord Dwin have when he return! He will come home and be welcomed by faithful army of rat! Oh so happy shall he be!

    I did meet two hoomans while doing the roam today. One was an elf hooman and other had round ears. So lovely were they! I did think that the elf hooman was a feemale but was male. So soft was male elf that he did look like the feemale one. Hard to tell.

    I did sharpen of spare axe today. Overlord Dwin not use that axe to fight. Just to for the chop of wood. Still good to make it sharp. He shall have much happiness.

    Grobble is best slave ever.

    Valued Employee.

  • Legion

    Written in a bit of a scrawl. The following forms a part of Grobbles random "diary" writings.


    Today I did do the roam and meeting hoomans at the gate. Grobble does the doing of surrender to them. Even though is servant to Dread Overlord Dwin Dolvak he has to do the surrender just in case they want to be doing the kill to Grobble. I show them Dread Overlord's special seal. They not do the kill to me. One says "we go to the cript." Grobble says "I come?" and it said "yes!" So Grobble did come too to the crypt to be doing the kill of skeletons and zombies. But is it doing the kill when the thing yoo do kill to is already had the kill? Will get onto that with thinking.

    We did go through the yard of graves and then down the hole to the "crypt" which is being under ground. Oh so scary it was! The zombie smell much worser down there and the lights throw things. But Grobble has the sheeld! Oh they did want to do the kill to Grobble but he holds up the sheeld so he doesn't get the kill. But some did hit hard to hurt Grobble even though he holds up his sheeld! One nearly did break his arm he did do the hit to him so hard! Grobble did running away from that one with the calling of "HELP HELP HELP" and the hoomuns did do the help to Grobble ! That is why Grobble is so glad to be a Norwick hooman now. Hoomans do helping to each other.

    Oh and such treasure did Grobble find! Two cold coins! They did get added to his pouch! Oh so heavy is Grobble's coin pouch! Now has more than ten coins! I do the thinking of what to do with the riches. Soon Grobble will do the buying of a castle which is like a cave but on the outside instead of underground and with a door. And may also buy some fee males for the breeding and to do the cook and clean. OH so many fee males shall Grobble buy!