Waiting for the Enemy

  • Ardent checks in on the Peltarch Far Scouts near where they closed off the orc pass, she brings hot food from the mermaid, a cold drink. She sits down for a time to talk with them or just sit quietly, eyes focused on the narrow canyon. The scouts hide a ways back near the tent, trying to allow anyone who wishes to a clear shot at entering the canyon to stoneshape to their hearts content. Stopping them of course is not the priority, it is to see who it is. To identify this malcontent and tell someone with a greatsword.

    She expected a long wait, always ready for the worst scenario. However, she was used to long waits, eyes narrowed as she peered out of the undergrowth clutching the edge of the grey stone. Every forest had eyes, every undergrowth held a spy, for once she had the pleasure instead of waiting for someone to report her actions up the line.

    "Come on, bite….the lure.."