History of Oreth Meret

  • Oreth's first memories are of fleeing predators in the jungles of chult, at around his fourth year. He does not remember his parents, or what happened to them that they would abandon him in the jungles. He remembers only running for his life, and scavenging for anything he could possibly eat.

    He learned early in his life how to communicate with various animals in gestures and sounds, and they helped him to survive his childhood years. He even communed with the holy servants of Ubtao, the dinosaurs. From them, he learned of the God of Chult, and came to worship him. He had passing relations with the Chultan peoples as he grew older, and remembers being confused, as they told him he had the light skin of a northerner, rather than the darker skin of a Chultan. He traded with them, came to them for aid, and helped them occasionally with his rudimentary druidic magics, but never really integrated with their society.

    Which meant no one noticed when he went missing.

    One day, wandering near the coast, the young man was attacked and overwhelmed by slavers, his animal companion, a large lizard, killed in the fight.

    He was taken north, and sold to a fighting pit in some godsforsaken city whose name he never learned and to this day does not know. He fought for a time, barely winning most matches, surviving others only due to the mercy of the crowd and his opponent.

    The entire time Oreth served in the pits, the pitmaster complained of small bite marks around his ankles, that supposedly appeared when he was sleeping. After a few weeks, he grew ill. In days, the pitmaster lay dead in his quarters. A few other gladiators mentioned seeing a rat handing Oreth the keys to his cell, before the boy disappeared, heading north.

    Oreth settled for a time in the swamp known as the mire of the dead man, in the Sword Coast. He slowly became accustomed to his new surroundings, and attuned himself to nature in the wetlands, serving as protector for those lands for a time, until he began to notice human and animal zombies wandering his lands. Investigating this new threat, Oreth once again found himself captured, this time by a masked necromancer named Dythanis. Alongside him lay chained a man whose name he learned was Barsec. Barsec was a spellsword, a wizard warrior, attached to a mercenary group called the Blood Ravens. In a short while, the self-same group arrived, running the necromancer off into the swamp, freeing the two.

    When they announced their intentions to chase the necromancer during the ensuing months, as they had been contracted to do, Oreth joined up with the group, and served with them until the necromancer had fled the swamp entirely, and after, on a multitude of missions. Eventually, they became like family to him.

    So when the necromancer's minions killed two of his "Brothers", Enialis Xiloscient and Cade Legallow, and forces in the service of another mage, named Jordan, kidnapped his "sister", he and Barsec were a bit lost.

    However, the intercession of this Demonologist, Jordan, brought Oreth to the attention of another group, outsider-hunters known as the demon knights.

    With their help, he rescued his sister from Jordan's minions, or rather, resurrected her after they slew her. Oreth would later take the head of one of them, and wear it around his belt.

    He found a new family among the demon knights, and came to consider his particular party to be his closest friends. Among them were:

    Dondiah, half-drow sword-dancer of Eilistraee, who was later discovered to be the daughter, by rape, of the necromancer Dythanis, who the group slew together in the coming days

    Dryden Rainweaver, the Wild Elf Ranger and Demonhunter, betrothed to Dondiah. A quiet man, who shared Oreth's love of the wilderness

    Tyche Fortuna, a charming gambler who often commiserated with oreth about the foolishness of everyone around them.

    Red, a friendly, fiery-haired bard, and paladin of Sune, wife to Tyche. An animated and inspiring woman, but often…distant.

    Kaze Kreuz, an absent-minded and naive cleric of Eldath. Often, when tyche and oreth commiserated about stupidity, she was the inspiration and the aggravator. A gifted healer but less than wise in the ways of the world.

    These demon knights gave oreth a new purpose, and he dedicated himself to killing Jordan, who hoped to open a portal to the abyss, and overrun the world of Toril. They also gifted him with a magical tattoo on his right shoulder. This tattoo served to mark him as one of their own, and to make him, effectively, immortal. Essentially, so long as it graced his skin, he could neither age nor die of old age.

    Over the coming years, Oreth and his friends faced many threats (which I could go into if anybody wanted to, but this is already running really long) and eventually slew the wizard Jordan.

    The immediate threat gone, his party dispersed to rest and recuperate for several years. Oreth, long separated from his homeland, made the journy through the fae backroads back to the jungles of chult.

    Now a much more powerful druid, Oreths help was welcomed by the tribes of Chult, and he even did business in the holy city of Mezro. He took a Deinonychus named Malik as his companion, and hunted with him, as a member of his pack. Though his origins remained a mystery, he felt he was once again home.

    After many years, as Oreth roamed the jungle, taking in, as he did each day, the beauty of the plants and animals therein, he found himself facing what appeared to be a celestial tyrannosaur, a true servant of his deity. He approached it carefully, reverently, and at the last moment, as the illusion fell away, found himself facing a being of horrible darkness, moments before his world went dark.

    He awoke, paralyzed, in a cave, next to Malik's corpse, the dark saurian standing above him. It revealed itself to be a servant of Eshowdow, a shadow deity who once was an aspect of Ubtao, but had since been consumed and dominated by Shar.

    The creature took joy in causing the druid physical pain, but it drew the most joy from sapping his soul. Oreth daily felt more of his soul, and his connection to nature, drawn into this horrific creature, corrupted, and destroyed. His memories were broken as well. Names, faces, and events remained, but skills, his fighting ability, his knowledge of the spells of his deity, all fell away.

    After weeks of torture at the hands of this creature, it sensed that Oreth would not bring it nourishment for much longer, and left the cave to seek another druid or cleric to feed on.

    Reaching out with the last of his divine magic, Oreth made contact with one of the large spiders that made its home in the roof of the cave. The spider pulled his limp form from the cave, transporting him to safety, and feeding him on insects as he relearned, first how to walk, then how to hunt and survive.

    Acknowledging in his heart that his jungle home would eat him alive in his weakened state, and needing to share his misery with his family, Oreth journeyed north once more. He first sought Dryden Rainweaver, in the forests of Neverwinter.

    He arrived just in time for his funeral. Apparently, Dryden died fighting demonic agents in the forest. When attempts were made to resurrect him, he claimed he was happy now, with his goddess Mielikki. His wife, Dondiah, was understandably crushed by the idea that her husband would rather frolic with unicorns than return to her. She withdrew from the world, and has not been seen since.

    Kaze served now as high priestess of Eldath in Thrawn Citadel. She welcomed Oreth with open arms, but he tired of temple existence quickly, and it was doing nothing to make him stronger. However, she told him that Tyche, who had been missing for five years, had been heard from in the east, in the lands of Narfell.

    Curious as to what the gambler had gotten himself into, and seeking a place to relearn his lost abilities, Oreth made his way here, and remains now, seeking both Tyche, and any druids who can help him regain the connection to nature that he has lost. He longs to feel the land as clearly as he once did, and will do almost anything to achieve that feeling again.

    Account name: Oreth Meret
    Character name: Oreth Meret

    Hope you enjoyed.

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