
  • The Halfling Defence League

    In broad daylight, two attacks happened in rapid succession, leaving little doubt of their relation to each other!

    In one, brave Peltarch soldiers were cut down in the prime of life along the garrison at the beach, amid scenes of carnage and obvious struggle. In the other, more shocking due to its closeness to the city, the shrine of Tempus was bombed into oblivion by a cowardly man or group of men who lacked even the decency to show their faces to their enemies!

    Rumors swirl about the two, with some blaming the bugbears, while others speak of a strange set of tracks leading from the shrine to Oscura…

  • Cray inquires about the city, as to the name and haunts of this so called spokesperson. Cray makes it known that he is willing to grease palms for the information.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    In yet another brazen attack, it seems the terrorists hit a small caravan of traders delivering food and healing supplies to the fortifications by the bridge. The wrecks of their carts are still visible, smoldering on the road near the entrance to Oscura.

  • Legion

    Junior spreads gossip among the refugees.

    "Did you hear what they found in the wreckage of the Tempus Temple? An Oscuran soldier's badge!"

  • Havon seeks out this spokesman…

  • The PFLN spokesman in Peltarch releases a public statement blaming Ostromog for both incidents and vowing "immediate and ruthless retaliation".