
  • Wand been missing since the fall. Presumably captured or worse.

  • Lady Hollowmoon is nowhere to be seen, much like Caramella. Though it is unlikely she is lost - most that know her would know that she's long despised the "mud-town" Norwick.
    Curiously the Oscuran born noble, Louis du Lorraine is seen offering his assistance should the Keep wish it.

  • ICC

    Abner adds his name to the roll-call

    Of course I will help…

  • María gathers them and starts giving them assigments as she sees fit, and to who she sees fit..

    Cowrwin is alwready aiding in the building of the defenses at the pass by empowewring wowrkewrs. Elva and lawrathia, fowr the time being, you will be helping in those tasks too. Contact aelthas owr havon.

    Siwrion, I need you to wread and be wready to help me cwreate a magic a powrtal.
    And Abnewr, you'll need to wowrk with Siwrion, since having a powrtal opened it's something that needs mowre than one pewrson.

  • Larathia finds Maria in Peltarch and after pouring out the intense suffering she underwent on a one week stay in Oscura jail, offers her aid to Maria.

  • Elva is around, dancing about in the snow, While she probably should be more serious about the situation….It's Snowing!

  • Of the absent-minded gnome wizard Caramella, there is no trace. Whether this means she's lost in the tower, her thoughts, or her own hat, is anyone's guess.

  • Oh I doubt it. But thank you.

  • Looks at Bon, considers briefly, in a flash.

    Welcome, appwrentice Bon. You'll have a wrough appwrenticeship, hope you awre wready fowr it.

  • Bon finds Maria

    My lady, I would like to confirm my application for admission as an apprentice. From what I understand my application was being considered before the attack on Norwick. I would like to check if it is still being considered.

  • It is appreciated, circumstances aside.

  • Excelent. We will see to naming a second in chawrge.. once we.. find out who at all is awround.
    Fowr the time being, and because I can, I hewreby pwromote you to full membewr of the keep and you stop being an appwrentice.

  • Sirion steps up.

    _I am still here. I persist.

    Bingo is, in all likelihood, dead or incapacitated at this point. I do not know what they did with the tower, but he was the one crafted portals for the hin's mass exodus after Norwick had already fallen. He tapped a leyline in the process, and we are lucky the damage was so minimal. I survived what was likely the closest proximity to the terminating pyroclasm, and anyone on the other end would have survived as well. However…if he were at the instant of transition when the resonance cascade began, I cannot speculate upon his fate except to note that the odds of survival are extremely low. My attempts to scry him out have turned up nothing, but that in and of itself is not evidence of anything considering the target.

    We should proceed under the assumption that the worst has come to pass and expect no aid from unseen quarters.

    I have no objection to your claim of leadership. Of the known survivors you are already the highest ranking and most senior member. But perhaps you should consider naming a second as well, if the organization is to survive, contingencies need to be in place. And keep in mind, by all that has come to pass...I am still just an apprentice in rank._