The Wall at the Crossroads

  • For those searching. Rain can be found camped by the small stone wall near the crossroads. On the edge of the Realm she waits and stands guard, watching for any one lucky enough to escape her newly occupied home.

  • Only with the occasional Goblin patrol, Rain finds little resistance to her being at the wall. Still with fortune to such as this. She remains and awaits any who can escape to her. Ready to defend them until they reach safety.

  • A slender hin in a blue bonnet slips quietly through the long grass and wonders if Horbag will come out to defend her restaurant. Her thoughts then briefly turn to Arashika with a smile before she continues on her way.

  • The traveling sellsword, Alucard, approchs the warrior and with a dip of his head introduces himself, standing with her a short time.