The Shrine of Kelemvor
In what seems a somewhat touch of madness, Thistle comes to the Kelemvor shrine leading some livestock as if staying for awhile. For the next few days her routine seems the same. Cooking from morning to evening, sharing the food with any refugees who happen to be there, and then each late afternoon, she takes two plates of whatever interesting variation of a recipe she has made for the day to the top of the hill. There she stays in sight of those at the shrine eating from one plate but leaving the other untouched, while appearing to be shouting to the sky.
Fond of the experience more then anything I think. Smiles as she unties her ponytail long enough to lower it and run her fingers back through her hair. Beyond that, I am really unsure. They are supposedly also fond of other races, like taking their forms and may live among us never revealing themselves. But who knows for sure unless they have spoken to one. Looks up at the sky with a slight frown as she finishes tying her hair back. Occasionally they will meddle in the affairs of ours, injustices of certain types, such as the one near at hand. Especially if they've grown fond of those who live near. Maybe a bigger plate? Or a whole Rothe for tomorrow?
Smiles to Ardent, the frown gone and amusement in her eyes. A whole Rothe perhaps to lure a dragon down?
Ardent munched quietly, not realizing what a Silver was. However, Thistle seemed to think it was important so she sat on the edge of the hill and looked toward Jiyyd, enjoying the brief respite from all the stress and work.
"So Silvers have really fine taste in foods then?"
Winks and smiles to Ardent, make a shushing motion, as she stops calling up the sky in the odd language she was using, and switches to common.
Greetings, Ardent. I was enjoying a meal, and perhaps finding someone to enjoy it with. You heard the rumor didn't you? Eyes light in fascination and excitement. A silver was seen. Was hoping to speak to it, maybe try to ask its aid, speak to it, and well… speak to it. Patience I suppose, care to have some? Thistle holds out her own plate of food, the other laying untouched on the ground still. A roast done with a light peasant gravy. Took most of the day, but it's worth it I think.
Ardent has been keeping a close eye on the shrine since the attack and is somewhat baffled by this. Finally, she climbs silently after the pretty elf and makes the slow and careful route up the hill. Emerging silently from behind the plaque she is driven to ask.
"What the hell are you doing?"