The Remnant - The Needs of The Many

  • _Sirion talks to a number of people over the days. It is unusual in that many of the conversations appear quite casual. Were it another person, you might not think it strange, but it's Sirion. Still, the conversations seem innocuous. He asks for opinions of points of history, politics, theology and even controversial or multifaceted bits of lore and fairy tales. The kind of topics that everyone has an opinion on, and lead to raised voices in taverns, but he never turns it into an argument.

    If one manages to listen to more than one of these conservations, they'll notice Sirion's taken the time to ask one question over and over again, in various forms:
    "How far would you go to save how many? Would you abandon one life if it meant saving a thousand? Yours? Your lover's? A stranger? What about a hundred? Ten? Two?"

    Many paladins and priests are also not consulted on the matter, but again, one would have to be following Sirion's steps to notice._

    //OOC Sirion's recruiting Neutral leaning and Norwickian loyal PCs. He'll probably also contact more mercenarial PCs as well. Certain individuals or groups are persona non grata for either alignment reasons or IC relation reasons (Ex. Some but not all Oscurans as well as the Divine Shield). If you want in, drop me a PM along with a reason why you Sirion would believe you to be morally flexible and trustworthy in a campaign of specific actions against Norwick. Hella vague, I know.