The Lighthouse Temple opened for refugees

  • _Between sessions in the Senate chambers, Lycka makes her way to the Lighthouse Temple for a meeting with the temple staff. She leaves with a bright and thankful smile, pressing a heavy coin purse into the hands of the Mystran priestess Tabatha.

    Soon afterwards, the temple is abuzz with activity, fifty spare cots set up inside, with 25 more folded up against the wall to be used if the need arises. Outside, in the small temple garden and spilling out as far as possible without disrupting traffic, an additional fifty spots are set up as tents are brought in by Senator Martoushka's staff.

    The funds left by Lycka goes primarily towards supplies for reinstating the dock's soup kitchen, the call soon going out for volunteer workers and donations, be it in coin or edible goods._

    ((approved by DrD, 6000 gold to be trashed for the donation. I hijacked Marty's tents though, assuming approval would be given!))

  • Cecil, originally startled himself, grins a bit and distributes the boxes, as needed, calming any startled folks with his usual smile and calm demeanor.

  • A looming figure approaches in the dead of night, easily as tall as Cecil and twice as wide, grunting unintelligably. Startled onlookers might even mistake the figure for an ettin, as a softer voice can be heard from up on it's shoulder, a second and smaller head instructing:

    "Shh, fark's sake, don' wake everyone up.. an' no tramblin' tha tents, honey bee.."

    The big head replies with a simple monosyllabic utterance, dropping a multitude of crates near the temple door, all of them packed with salted and dried food, mostly fish:


    ((five boxes worth of rations trashed for the midnight donation))

  • When the tents are moved from the list, Cecil helps carry things, and/or people if needed, and spends time there, seeming to be only a shout or quick messenger away if needed as often as he can be. Norwick red and gold armor, his usual giant gold sword, and a ready smile are familiar to most Norwickians, most likely, as he basically returns to being the smiley guard that many would remember.

    He is careful to watch over them, and break up any arguments or fights, especially with the locals, or other strangers.

  • Legion

    // approval given! The larger tents are red and black. The smaller ones are the regular coloured ones (placeables). The rest of the tents are being set up at the list.