On the death of the Chancellor of Norwick

  • A story begins to circulate throughout Peltarch telling of the manner in which Biswan, Chancellor of Norwick, met her end.

    "The Bugbears had her and the herald and a bunch of the redcloaks trapped in the Great Hall. They tried to get most of the people sheltering in it out and evacuated, but it was too late by that point. Things happened so fast.

    "Most of the redcloaks died when the bugbears pushed into the hall, and the herald was grabbed by a bugbear. In the end Biswan wound up cornered in an office; the redcloaks dead or surrendered due to wounds.

    "They got a big-lunged bugbear to come up and shout at her to surrender and live.

    "I reckon she put the throwing axe through his skull from a good 20 feet or so, and then said:

    "I've got 4 more axes, which is four less of you bastards for them to kill when they retake the town. That answer your offer?"

    "I understand it eventually cost them 5 more bugbears and a mage before she went down."

    It's unclear if the tale came from a refugee, from inside the town after it fell, or is just a fable, but most people seem to regard it as fact.

  • Ardent offers prayers at the Temple of Kelemvor, repeating the story to those there of her fall.
    _"Kelemvor, you fetch mighty warriors from the field of battle, ensuring they receive honor and respect and are not forgotten. While we lack the strength to recover the corpse of our chancellor, may we remember her and see in her example how one dies with valor.

    Please, keep her from the foul abuses of necromancy and ensure she has peace in the next life. Rest Biswan, knowing you died with a mightiness that awes us all."_