*A note very visible*

  • Vander arrives late at the meeting. His cloack pinned with an anvil-looking brooch. He taps Beourn with his hand and offer him a reassuring smile.
    He slowly looks around at those gathered, the phoenix symbol at his neclace gleaming red under the sun.

    He begins to talk:

    • Yas sures kin gader people rounds ye, maria. Gud thing. Now, less try find sum strenght ter foit backs, eh? Ah'm guessing tis time we untacks dem gates fer un change.

    ((Crap, i accidentally edited instead of quoting this….... sorry

  • Z arrives promptly, takes a spot in the back, and waits patiently for the discussion to begin.

  • Uniel Walks quietly onto the Legion grounds and stands near Ama'bael, she crosses her arms and looks around, waiting to see who all else shows up

  • Romulus comes down the steps from the Legion Tower, his new home since the loss of the Grapevine in Norwick. He appears tired, almost haggard, but he clearly is interested.

    Login: AubreyMaturin
    Character: Romulus Grey

  • Eluriel wanders up from the South, animal tooth pendant pulled outside of her armour.

  • Cecil arrives as silently as a man in plate can, which is to say, without speaking and settles in near Ardent. His horse is nearby looking ready to kill something, which is a pleasant improvement from his usual state, which is … well, killing things.

  • Ama arrives and waits for others to gather. She might be alone, or she might not considering the number of stealthing elves she generally finds herself around.

  • _Not long after Ardent arrives, Havon comes on a trotting warhorse, looking at the early gathering with his usual immutable expression. He spots Ardent and dismounts, hitching his horse to the Legion's posts, and goes to stand by Ardent, leering occasionally southward and into the trees, presumably on the lookout for any unwelcome visitors.

    "Consider the 'Norwick Remnant' present."_

  • Val arrives wearing her battle raiment, looking tired but determined. She embraces Maria warmly and speaks to her softly in Celestial before taking a seat.

  • Ardent Cashail arrives, adjusting a bandage over one arm and giving a slightly rueful smile.

    "Ardie here. Hope Havon hurries up. Yeah, those hobs have a hell of an aim, let me just say"

  • ((will do it in this thread, to not start a new one in rumor caravan.))

    _María arrives quite a number of hours before the meeting has to take place and makes sure that the legion doesn't mind that she offered their grounds for the meeting without consulting them first. Would they refuse to allow people to camp there, she'd move to the road, between legion grounds and the shrine to tempus.

    She waits for people to start comming and as they arrive she writes names down in a list and starts telling them how to sit, in a circle….._