*A note very visible*

  • _A silver stallion approaches from the north with swift strides, a small female figure in blue and gold upon its back. Tugging her helm off as she enters the Legion grounds, Ashena's eyes scan the crowd, her face flooding with relief as she picks out a tall figure amongst them.

    Her steed needs little prompting to make his way over to Cecil and Ardent, giving the latter a gentle nuzzle while Ashena reaches for Cecil's hand, squeezing it tightly. A quick smile breaks the solemn look on her face, and then is just as swiftly gone as she introduces herself to the rest:_

    "Lady Ashena Teroldys, representing the Order of the Divine Shield. I offer apologies for my tardiness, I had hoped to bring some news of what is discussed within the Senate chambers from sir Mariston Thel 'ere I departed."

  • Elyl manages to show up looking rather tired and worn

  • Legion

    General Grag is present on the legion grounds

  • _Looks around once more and nods when everyone present is somewhat quiet

    ((i know some people is missing, but even if they post later, lets assume we waited until they were here to make things move))

    then she casts a True seeing spell on herslef and then motions all of the friendly sneaks to move closer too for a moment, gather's everyone around her and chants, casting a Minblank spell that shields all and everyone's mind, making it impossible to be scryed aswell, then casts extended True seeing spells to two of the scouts that are supposed to make sure no undesirable ones approach._

    I think we can begin.
    Fiwrst, I think we will all agwree that we need to save the pwrisionewrs… fowr sevewral wreasons.
    I have at least two ideas on how to pwroceed to this, but I'd like fiwrst to heawr othewrs ideas. So wraise youwr hands and speak, please in owrdewr, owr this will be a mess!

    she smiles

    ((just…talk, assume when you raise your hand you are allowed to talk 😛

  • Dev

    Lence limps into town, drops of blood making a path behind him. His neck is wrapped in a bloody bandage, and as he pops off his helmet, his face is covered in sweat and grime, and a livid bruise marks his fore head where and arrow bashed against his helm.

    There are a couple of Hobgoblin arrow shafts sticking out the back of his plate. His brow is furrowed, and he favors one leg. On closer examination a broken arrow shaft can be seen sticking out of his thigh, a companion to another that sticks out of the his side, rubbing between pieces of his plate armor. Grimacing, he makes his way towards the inn, to patch himself up and rest. As he passes, he can be heard muttering to himself, "There were FOUR Hob archers Ky… not two. Four. Well... now there's only three."

  • Vander arrives late at the meeting. His cloack pinned with an anvil-looking brooch. He taps Beourn with his hand and offer him a reassuring smile.
    He slowly looks around at those gathered, the phoenix symbol at his neclace gleaming red under the sun.

    He begins to talk:

    • Yas sures kin gader people rounds ye, maria. Gud thing. Now, less try find sum strenght ter foit backs, eh? Ah'm guessing tis time we untacks dem gates fer un change

  • _Havon speaks as if to amend Ardent's statements.

    "No. I do not think Ostromog intends to sell his prize for a short-term reward. Perhaps some citizens of Norwick might be sold away if they prove to be too much trouble for their new masters to handle, but Ostromog would benefit more from keeping the people of Norwick as serfs - to produce, and trade with Oscura - and whomever else - what Ostromog's Norwick can produce.
    The general sentiment of what people think Ostromog plans to do with Norwick, I think, sells him short. He is no raiding warlord. He wants to be a conquerer. An emperor. Emperors do not cast away their live assets. They exploit them forever. And that is what he intends to do with the people of Norwick. Bleed them slowly and steadily, like a leech, not to death but to emaciation so that he can grow fat."_

  • ::Shallyah arrives to the meeting and quietly finds a spot to listen to what is being discussed. Whenever she has an opportunity, she calls María aside to exchange a few words, and then does the same with Ardent before going back to listening and taking notes of any relevant information::

    //María and Ardent, please find me ingame sometime 🙂

  • "In the meantime, while we are waiting for others, lets get a little introductory information out of the way. I hope everyone knows one another, make introductions so we can reduce confusion down the line.

    Perhaps Maria we can also prioritize what needs to be done for now. In terms of importance. I want to note to everyone that the Silver Valley has been evacuated and the right size folk are safe within the city's walls.

    The Druid circle has claimed neutrality, three of us journeyed down there to ask personally. They will not aid us but are not forbidding individual druids from aiding us.

    The path along the valley and druid circle is barricaded from any travel that way. If you are coming from the south, the farthest north you can travel is the pond without facing heavy resistance.

    Coming from the north, we have established forces are at the front gate including duergar armaments.

    Notices have appeared in Oscura noting trade between Ostromog and Oscura, we think of Norwick civilians into slavery. That is the situation as it stands at this moment. I hope we can look at this and begin to develop a solid plan of action from that. "

    She avoids saying anything that is part of their defensive or recovery efforts to avoid giving out information to scryers. This includes name and individual capabilities.

  • Legion

    ((I'd like to suggest only one PC per player be in active attendance of this meeting if only to prevent weird instances of players RPing with themselves.

  • A hooded Elven figure is seen at the edge of the gathering. A quiver and bow rest upon his back and his hands rest upon the pommels of two small swords mostly concealed by his cloak.

  • @bdea5d775e=therealorion:

    Ardent hugs Cecil tight, a small gesture that is the only way to say a thousand words, to tell a thousand tales of that auction. She releases him and salutes him, albeit wearily.

    Ardent's hug and salute elicit the usual, infallible, come and get me grin from Cecil, as if he already knows everything will be ok, and he returns the salute sharply.

  • "Uh…Legion scouts?" Private Romulus answers, looking around. "Unfortunately, Aranwe resigned and Marty is away. Oh! Never mind, I'll do it myself."

    Login: AubreyMaturin
    Character: Romulus Grey

  • Danika never stops at the gathering for more than a quick wave to her friends, but for the duration of the meeting keener eyes occasionally spot her at the edge of the group, watching and listening for the uninvited.

  • (removed)

  • María nods and smiles at the people as they come, having casual chats with them while waiting for others.

    Uhm… we'wre still missing Peltawrch's defendewrs', Wright-sized's, dwruid's ciwrcle's, phoenix's and divine shield owrdewr's wrepwresentatives... we need to wait a bit longewr befowre we can stawrt.

    María asks Romulus politely to request that a pair of legion scouts keep their eyes on the road and the gnoll woods from atop their tower to avoid surprises.
    María advices those present to avoid talking about the main subject for the moment, in case they're being scryed, and that she will take care of that when everyone's there.

  • Ardent hugs Cecil tight, a small gesture that is the only way to say a thousand words, to tell a thousand tales of that auction. She releases him and salutes him, albeit wearily.

  • Vander arrives late at the meeting. His cloack pinned with an anvil-looking brooch. He taps Beourn with his hand and offer him a reassuring smile.
    He slowly looks around at those gathered, the phoenix symbol at his neclace gleaming red under the sun.

    He begins to talk:

    • Yas sures kin gader people rounds ye, maria. Gud thing. Now, less try find sum strenght ter foit backs, eh? Ah'm guessing tis time we untacks dem gates fer un change.

    ((Crap, i accidentally edited instead of quoting this….... sorry

  • Z arrives promptly, takes a spot in the back, and waits patiently for the discussion to begin.

  • Uniel Walks quietly onto the Legion grounds and stands near Ama'bael, she crosses her arms and looks around, waiting to see who all else shows up