The Remnant

  • @971160c998:

    A board is leaned up against the inside of one of the mermaid walls before/until its removed. A piece of parchment nailed to it.

    In charcoal a name is written and plenty of paper is left as if indicating others should list as well.

    From Norwick Now Safe
    Corwin A.
    Ardent Cashail

    (( Hereafter is Syied's editing. ))

    An additional parchment is placed beside the list, reading:

    "We are attempting to rally refugees and survivors from Norwick into what we will call the Norwick Remnant. All may apply. We seek to ensure our own survival and that of Peltarch. Contact Ardent, Arlan, or Havon."

    Ardent adds onto this,posting a copy seemingly on the door of every public house, gathering place, and major shop.

    "Those who have escaped, survived, and persevered, we are not done. We are not beaten and while they may boast in our walls, they are not victorious. We shall continue the fight, even if we will do so from Peltarch. Add your names to the list of those willing to strike back against Ostromog's forces as well as ensure the safety of the last bastion of civilization within Narfell. We cannot let Peltarch fall and with your aid, the enemy's defeat at these walls will be the first of many defeats."

    (( Hereafter Syied's edit: ))

    _The primary list/roster reads thus far:

    Romulus Grey
    Cecil Northman
    Sirion Goldthane
    Boldbar Dorune
    General Grag
    Elyl Wefneren

  • A hooded Aranwë stops underneath the board and parchment and reads it over. After reading through all the names, a slight grin splits his face and he pivots on his boot heel, heading off into the city…

  • After arriving in Peltarch from a trip to Damara to visit his cousin, Boldbar Dorune, dwarf of Adbar, wanders about in a daze upon hearing the news of Norwick, his former home.

    He will stomp up to the note and with a growl make his large Dwarven Rune mark.

    "Take my Tavern from me will ya…...those poor bastards don't know what they've done! Gorm have mercy on them for I shall have none..."

    "Count me in"

  • Legion

    grag lookks it over after leaving the temple and signs
    GenERaL GrAg … And many... friends!

  • Elyl writes his name down

  • Dev

    Lence makes his mark.

  • Cecil Northman, the towering Redcloak, finds the list and add his name, and it seen briefly about Peltarch here and there, alive and well, and very, very, focused. Probably best to keep a distance…

  • Kalem stares at the growing list and then adds his name

  • From a state of hibernation in an apartment in the docks, Moon hears what happened. She makes her way to the commons, makes some inquiries sees the note and adds her name

  • Romulus Grey adds his name.

    Login: AubreyMaturin
    Character: Romulus Grey

  • An angered Beourn puts his mark on the parchment, and nods approvingly of Ardent's words and improved morale.