Dwarven Retreat

  • Beourn BattleMail roams the streets of Peltarch seeking the members of the Council of Moradin that escaped The Hold's collapse… If any...

  • After a few words with Boldbar and seeing Vankerkaus finally return, Beourn knows the dwarven community will be well represented amongst the Remnant in Peltarch. Beourn takes his leave and travels by boat to Oscura…

  • Boldbar is seen in Peltarch, also wandering in a daze. He reports that he was away in Damara again visiting his cousin when the attack happened.

    He will meet with Beourn for an ale, while drinking he will pull forth a book, the title of which says "Boldbar's Big Book of Grudges". He will offer a quill to Beourn so that he may add Ostromog and his humanoid scum to its pages.

    "They will all pay for the death of our Kin…...pay with Blood."

  • Rumors surface that Labur was around the Hold at the time of the explosions, no one has seen him for some time

  • Vanderkaus is seem walking around the streets of Peltarch. The bald dwarf had a nice meal and talked with some folks.

    It is said that, after that, he he stayed in quiet prayer before heading towards Norwick.

    Not to be seem after that for a couple of days.

  • After the dust settled from the two explosions heard and felt around the Hold, the damage was said to have finally been seen. Huge boulders and piles of debris were said to have blocked both entrances. The explosions were huge, so large that many wonder if the whole place did not get buried. How many have died? How many yet survive? No word has been heard since the take over of Norwick.