Unen Alow

  • Age: older'n 100
    Height : 5'8
    Weight : 120Lbs
    Race : Elf
    Hair: Red

    Unen is an impressively good looking Elf ((cha 17)) and along with his looks he is quite friendly to be around, his smile is never ending and his tongue is not absent of smart (and sometimes not smart at all ) banter. He is very obviously a bard. Most of the time you will find him in his purple and gold armor wandering about, but every once in a while he likes to blend in and not look so Bardish… He carries with him a few small bags that he keeps trinkets or whatever he might find amusing. His bow is ornate, but not particularly special and if he does manage to pull out his sword and shield its usually pitted and unseemly. If you look at him closely you will see a small clockwork ring on his hand that occasionally makes a strange noise, and also if you care to know the golden necklace that he is wearing isnt gold at all, although it kinda looks like it. Unen is a singer and a pipes player, and is quite proficient, he enjoys song and is great at performing but he is pretty terrible at making them up. You will sometimes hear him trying out new lyrics to songs and failing. Oh I almost forgot, Unen always carries around a rolled up parchment which he writes in constantly, some say its because he forgets things almost instantly, others because he needs an easy out when he says something stupid.

    ((excuse my writing, I was told in college that it is steam of consciousnesses and it absolutely boggles those that have a command of this lovely language of ours.)) ((also im not an insane lore person, and although Ive PnP role-played for close to 15 years (teflonbilly is my DM!) I really am clueless, so if something doesn't line up feel free to tell me.)