Sermon of Flame

  • A man in black and flaming orange stands up in the Market place, a table besides him full of foods and drink, sending sweet smells around the market place

    "Gather friends! Gather people of the Jewel!

    Come, warm yourselves! Come warm by Kossuths fire! For he is ever there to those who accept him into ones Heart. The fires around you, they are his as much as they are yours! He keeps you warm and will for ever aslong as you do not stray from the flames.

    Look around you! indicates the destruction left by the orc attack These lands are in peril. Orcs in the north! Bandits in the Pass! Bugbears in the Rawlins! The Lord of Flames does not involve himself in these trifles, but focuses on keeping you, your families and your children warm throughout the night! His place is to keep these lands pure!

    Purity! Purity is what i speak of! Accept the Firewalker into your hearts and you shall not only be kept safe, but He shall purify your soul! He will keep you and your family's safe! He shall cleanse your sins and keep you pure. His flames will lead you to a better life.

    He is the Flames and the Fire! He is what heats your food! Warms your inns! Cleanses the bodys! Burns away disease!

    All the gods have there place, this city has the fine temple to Selune, the temple of the Triad! Torm Tyr and Illmater keep you safe, i have no doubt in this. Yet Kossuth has his place here aswell, he has His place wherever a fire burns, wherever adventure is sought, wherever anyone who wishs aid, food or warmth is!

    My name is Crass! A servent of the Eternal Flame! I am here to aid you and your fine city! Come, come all those who wish the blessings of Kossuth!

    any who steps forward he blesses in the name of Kossuth and gives them a meal from a table he has set beside him ((

    After the crowds have dispersed he helps shift any debris still remaining in the street outside the walls and sets it alight far past the Watchtower towards the orc lands offering all and any to join him warmly by the flames

  • Kalem listens attentively, nodding now and then and once fingering the burn scar on the side of his face. In the end he follows the priest out the west gate and warms at the fire, the flames reflecting off his balding head and thining strands of red hair.