Massive Orc Attack

  • With only a small warning proceeding, the orcs attacked the west gate in great numbers and with quite some force. The attack was being managed by many of the stalwart adventurers and guards rather well, until a towering abomination broke through and managed to break through a number of the local buildings, smashing up a good portion of the western wall and gate area, and even managing to leave a considerable portion of the inn in shambles. The hideous beast was finally felled, crushing part of the commons under its massive weight. Some say it took almost 100 guardsmen and strong-armed helpers to drag the beast to a suitable place for burning.

  • Therean opts to set up a triage center in the commons in case anybody gets buried under by shifting rubble during the cleanup operation, or in case any survivors are successfully unearthed.

    The elven priest distracts the injured while he works by alleviating their pain with spells and singing or humming the song about Aerdrie as composed by Bon.

  • Elena is seen busily directing a summoned earth elemental to assist in the clean-up of the wake of battle, and tends to any made homeless or injured due to the attack, at the Temple of the Triad.

  • ::Mariston surveys the damage done to the city, then makes his way to the quarry::

  • A tall blonde woman is seen perusing the destruction. After careful analysis she is heard to comment.

    "The city has been valiant in combatting such monstrosity. It is evident that Helm has not forsaken Peltarch entirely, but without dutiful prayer and devotion to the Vigilant One this city will only suffer worse defeats."

    ((Cha 16))

  • Legion

    Marty observes the aftermath.


    she sets about commissioning masons to assess the damage before seeing to whatever is left of the commons.