The Terror in the Sky

  • One day, many upward-looking denizens of Narfell may have seen a rather terribly large object hurtling from the sky east of Norwick, landing with a great impact and a huge dust plume in the woodlands to the west of the town. The impact was felt throughout the town, and the event could be seen easily by Peltarchans with a view of the southern horizon. Within a few hours, some kind of pillar of light or fire shot up from the impact point into the sky, penetrating and causing the plume to dissipate. The woods west of Norwick suffered a fair amount of damage from the resultant fires and the initial impact, but nothing nature cannot overcome with time. Shortly after the pillar's launch into the sky, rain fell hard on the south Nars region, keeping the fires more or less at bay.

  • Cecil is found hours after the 'event' putting out the last of the fires. He has no water elementals, winter wolf breath, or potions … it's raining so he uses his soaked cloak, and bats out each individual flame that he finds, returning home a few hours later blackened and filthy, but happy.

  • María, from her tower in the rawlinswoods attempts to define a bit more what is it about and (spot +17) and wether it's a magical source and which type (spellcraft +51), she's certainly worried about something that big taking place next to her home…