Attack in the Commons

  • This morning three armed men entered the Peltarch Commons in broad daylight and attacked Oscuran noble Zazamoukh II Sakhmet, who was investigating recent assults on Oscuran ships and caravans near Peltarch. With a small bit of assistance from two bystanders, Mr. Sakhmet sucessfully fought off the assult and killed the attackers. They all appeared to be former slaves and reportedly shouted praise to Peltarch. At least one of them was carrying a Zhentrim bastard sword, which Mr. Sakhmet showed to the authorities.

    Login: AubreyMaturin
    Character: Romulus Grey

  • Upon hearing of this, Ardent relays a tale to Romulus
    "A few months ago I came upon a dead man and two dead Peltarch defenders near the ridge. The defenders had been killed by an archer that had gotten away. However, the dead man carried a zhent sword as well. If you inquire with the defenders, they may still have it."