Cultist clean out of sewers

  • Ky'Amendos contacts those in Peltarch he knows or is acquainted with that he is planning on an attempt at cleaning out the cultists in the sewer and is looking to gather a group to do so

  • Upon hearing Ky's request, Val immediately offers her aid in any way she can.

    // Just let me know the day and time (in GMT please) and I'll do my best to be there, barring issues with family.

  • "Aw Ky, you are an unlucky man, of course I would help you. Thievin jerks taking your things" Ardent remarks with a grin to her old friend.
    "We will clean them out"

  • Sabbas Heartfire offers his aid.

    "I am only a meek servant of Tyr, but you have my blade."

  • Upon hearing the word, Boldbar, while sizing up empty shop fronts for sale in the market district of Peltarch, will seek out Ky.

    "Lad you know we have shared some hard times down there in the past…and I do not think this will be a stroll to the tap, but a hard task indeed. But you stood by me when I was a stranger in these parts, and I count you almost as close as kin.

    You just let me know when you plan to go...and I will start sharping my axe.....Gorm have mercy on their souls, for I shall have none."

  • Romulus offers his services. Of course, I will help!

    Login: AubreyMaturin
    Character: Romulus Grey

  • "If I am available when the time comes, you may rely on me", Ashena states with a solemn smile to Ky'Amendos.

  • Celia approaches monsieur Ky'Amendos and offer her loyal service to a fellow squire