Delivery to orphanage

  • A tired looking middle aged man shows up at the Peltarch children's orphanage and delivers a sack to the back door. When asked in regards to the pungent contents he informs them he is to supply garlic for the next fortnight to help in a defenses from possible vampires. After these few words he ducks his head and retreats into the bustling city.

  • Kalem drops off one final bag of garlic at the rear entrance to the orphanage. He smiles crookedly at Mooncandy, if she is the one to receive it, and dissapears in the night without a word.

  • Mooncandy takes the garlic and carefully hangs it about the windows. When the kids complain about it she tells them its for their own safety. When asked what was going on, she explained that one can never be too cautious when undead might be involved!

  • The same man approaches the orphanage once more and delivers another supply of garlic. If asked why he mutters something about debts owed and retreats quickly into the night.

  • _The halfling Mooncandy accepts the package and nods. The look of concern on the Selunite's face was dire upon hearing the news. She tells her son and sends a letter to the Valley that for the next tenday or so she will be stoically guarding defending the orphanage and temple. Any donations are thoroughly inspected, children must be indoors by sunset, as well as going as far as setting bells to any of the entrances and open spaces leading into the orphanage itself.

    Furthermore, she takes it upon herself to alert the Senate, militia, and defenders of what had happened._

    (Mooncandy will be in npc/rp mode at the orphanage since she's one of the head supervisors at the orphanage, if anything transpires please let me know)