char name: "Bob"
account name: johant"Bob", or Zamor Igorsky as he was once known, was borne into a life of servitude. The Igorskys had served their lich master Halgor Fungaul for over 3 generations. Few dared to venture into Evilliveshereswamp. Which worked well for Master Fungaul. He could work on his experiments in peace.
Every now and then he would send Zamor or one of his relatives out into the world to find a fresh corpse or get some more newts tongues. From a young age, Zamor learned the ways of being a good servant.To anticipate his needs, never to question, just obey. Every now and then some young apprentice mage would dare the dangers of the swamp to seek The Master. Some were accepted, the others Zamor and his relatives would prepare for experiments after the Master had rejected them. One of the apprentices was a gnome. He was accepted and grew to become the Masters right hand. Zamor once overheard The Master giving his best apprentice a mission to go to Narfell.
Zamor was returning after having completing a job for his Master when he heard noises of battle coming from the camp. He dropped the body he was carrying and ran towards the noise. Once he came to the camp he saw it was being overrun by soldiers lead by some paladins. He drew his weapon and charged into the fray to aid his master. Coming from the rear he cut his way to the front were his master was making a paladin regret he had joined this crusade. A priest suddenly cried out, the words seemed to tear into Zamors very being. He covered his ears falling to his knees. A nearby soldier swung his weapon.
Zamor blinked. His head ached. He tried to stand and fell down again. He had a bad injury in his leg. The Master!? He looked around seeing only burnt down rubble where the camp used to be. In the middle stood the remains of a huge fire. He hobbled over to it. Looking through the remains of burnt bodies he found his Masters necklace...he fell to his knees. Cursing the cruel paladins for having destroyed his whole life.Days turned into weeks. He slowly recovered from his wounds. But what should he do? An Igorsky without a Master is nothing and noone. Then he remembered, Masters apprentice had been sent to Narfell! Yes, he would seek him out and tell him what had befallen Master. Together they could get vengence on those foul paladins. And maybe, just maybe, he would have a Master again.
((if you wonder, "Bob" is pronounced like in Black Adder series.
Reviewed - XP Pending.