Marvelous Maki Hiltold

  • Growing up isn't easy! And you think growin' up with a silver spoon in your mouth's a good thing. Oh sure, me mom and dad gave me everything I ever needed growin' up, don't get me wrong. I'm finally free though! Free of my mother's cold axe-wielding iron grasp. Took her a lot of convincin', pops being more understanding n' all, but s'time to get my own adventures going!

    Ah, a bit of my history? Well… where to start.

    As a little kid, I loved to see pops perform, and enjoyed going to the bard college. For as long as I can remember, I was always dressin up in dad's (sometime mom's) clothes n' playing around. I loved bein' the centre of attention. Most of the girlies liked me, a few even promised to marry me (though I'll forgive them if they don't!)

    It all started with mom having me spend time at the bard college on the days she had to work at the orphanage. Watching everyone do their stretches, dance routines, performing. Having professor Elidur talk about history, performing theory, and the power that having faith in the ancient kings of Dur can offer were fun! I was gonna be a bard and I knew it! Again though, its how it started.

    Oh, I was picked on! Believe me "short" this and "small" that. I mean, wasn't so bad when the lasses were picking me up and huggin' me and all, but thats besides the point! I'm right-sized. RIGHT SIZED... what was I talkin about again? Oh right.

    ANYWAY. Growing up, around the age of five or so, I began t'get the tingles. You know how sometimes you got some pent up energy and just wanna run till you could run no more? Was like that, 'cept no matter how hard I tried, shouting, running, performing. Wouldn't go away. So I kept trying, on and on. Professor Elidur said that either I had the potential for magic, or it might be some magical flesh-eating hin parasite that was laying eggs into my bloodstream or somethin crazy like that. Being afraid of the dark at the time, he decided to take advantage of it and threw me in a into a damned dark stinky box filled with old laundry and dusty outfits, the smell of mothballs makin' me ill. He kept saying "come to the light"! In a panic, under that moment of stress! Whammo! I didn't come to the light, the light came to me! I managed to cast an illumination cantrip! Opening the door, he had this big stupid grin on his face... one that I soon found myself copying as I realized what I managed to do.

    Time passed, we found out though it did increase my confidence immensely, my power came more from that itself than the actual performing arts, and while my focus turned more to arcanery, I continued to stay at the college. Maria scares the stuffins out of me. Helping me develop my power, I learned to daze, blind, learned magics to clean and make things tidy. Mom was a little paranoid, havin' her "No magic" rules in the house we were renting. All turned out great though!

    Now and again, I would go hunting with mom and pops, usin' me crossbow I bought with my allowance. I'd ask mister Benji for one, but he'd rather put a bolt in my arse than a crossbow in hand with all the time I spent following Tressa like a lil' lost puppy.

    In the end, I grew up right, learned how to fend for meself and got to meet a lot of nice folks. Good seeds were planted in good soil, and now its time to let them rise and shine!

    Here comes Maki Hiltold!

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