Bodies by the bridge!

  • A large number of orc corpses are to be found around the bridge in the Nars Pass. Mixed in amongst them are a few corpses of elves, who have been stripped of their armour and weapons it seems… they carry no religious signs.

  • Imril will halt his progress and stare at the man confronting him.

    "Elves…...ALLIED with Orcs? By my ears what in gods name are you talking about you daft man? What self respecting Elf would ally with an Orc, or for that matter, what Orc would with an Elf?

    How do you know what happened here? Did you see this supposed raid? Were is this cart they were ambushing? I am not discrediting your statement, but it seem highly unlikely to me.


    So long as they are not Drow, their bodies should be taken to town, for examination and burial if nothing else. Don't you agree...of course you do!"

    Imril begins to move off toward Peltarch and the temple again.

  • _Elva stops the man

    "These Elves were attacking a trading cart, and had allied themselves with these Orcs, they are not friendly people."_

  • _Upon seeing the bodies, Imril Tebrin, Sun Elf recently arrived from Coramanthor will offer a quick prayer to Corellon, and a offer a quick curse to all Orcs….

    He will then attempt to search the area around the bodies for any clues to what happened here, before attempting to take a head count of the elves. If his horse can bear them (if there are not too many) he will try to take the bodies back to Peltarch with him.

    He will immdieately seek out the Corm Lady Ama'Bael, after securing the bodies in the temple of Kelemvor, hoping that she maybe able to see these elves raised or their souls at least contacted to assure that they rest in peace now._