Found Sword of a Kelemvorite Pilgrim

  • Legion

    Rumors travel up and down the Nars that the Kelemvorite Temple is looking for a new owner for a blessed hand and a half blade.

    The sword was recently found on a dead minotaur after a skirmish in the underdark with a band of adventurers.

    Any warriors that believe they're noble enough to wield the sword are asked to stop at the temple and speak to Thander.

    ((PM me or ask in the DM channel when I'm online))

  • Ardent is eager to not receive the sword as her own from the brave dwarf but to hear of where it was obtained and under what circumstances.
    "Sir where exactly did you find this blade? Was there a skull nearby by chance? Would you be willing to take me and a group back to this location to look? You see two Kelemvorites were slain recently and this would be helpful in finding who were their murderers

  • ICC

    _Rumors are that a band of adventurers discovered the blade deep in the underdark.

    Rugg'var Hornsmeld, Cleric of Truesilver, took the blade for safekeeping. He was seen entering the the Kelemvite temple with a large hand and a half sword in search of the blades rightful owner._