Minotaurs in the Underdark

  • A party including Victoria, Romulus, Gnarl, and Rugg'var ventured into the Kuo Toa Cave heading for the Underdark. In the lower level of the Damp Caves they came across numerous freshly killed bodies of fishmen and two minotaur warrior bodies. It appeared the groups had been fighting each other.

    In the last chamber before the door to the Underdark, a huge party of fishmen including a mage, priests, rogues, and elite warriors was apparently guarding the door. Romulus surprised them with a fireball, and the rest of the group rushed in. When all the fishmen were dead and their bodies were being searched, a minotaur warrior came through the door, acting surprised. The group quickly wounded him and he fled back through the door to the Underdark.

    The group pursued and Rugg'var was able to track his hoof prints south through the hook horrors, and then east into the area where the Formian Workers are found. There the party encountered and slew several minotaurs, including a mage. Tracks continued farther east and down the staircase.

    But when the party entered the lower region, they were attacked by dozens of cave spiders and their young. Romulus and Victoria were stunned, but Rugg'var and Gnarl managed to beat them all off with no serious damage. At that point, the party had to give up the trail and return to the surface for Maero and Mooncandies' Wedding.

    Login: AubreyMaturin
    Character: Romulus Grey