Missing Children

  • Word spreads throughout the dock district about two children that have gone missing in the night from their home. It was reported to the city guard by the parents that both of their children were gone when they went to wake them up this morning.

  • After a long absence, Ky'Amendos is seen once again patroling through the Docks District at night and talking with guards in the area about any activity noticed near the sewer entrances.

  • Yana begins canvasing the night time crowd at the Three Legged Mule and the Pissing Goat, to see if they have heard anything. She enlists three guards under her command to speak to dock side vendors

  • With a grim expression on her young face, Ashena strides into the docks to learn the details of the latest disappearance.

  • Word spreads throughout the dock district another child has disappeared.

  • Ardent finds Ashena and inquires whether this is a normal vampire tactic or are they looking at something different, remembering all too vividly the hit and run tactics of the vampire Ashena described to her nearly finishing off Rath.

  • Lady Ashena Teroldys of the Order of the Divine Shield politely enquires whether the missing children would happen to be a girl and a boy, and if so, what they might look like. Her expression is solemn, if a little perturbed.

  • Upon hearing the news and without knowing the facts around the specific incident, Celia grabs a basket and loads it full with garlic. She walks over to the orphanage and offers the children one garlic each to keep in their pockets at all times

  • Mooncandy informs all the children at the lighthouse orphanage not to go out unsupervised and does her best to assist in any way she can

  • Upon hearing the news of the missing children, Ky'Amendos goes to speak with the city guards to see if he might be able to offer aid in the search and, if so, to learn the known details of the situation