To Arms! To Arms!! ((Report of gate attack 11-26-11))

  • As dawn breaks over the village, while most of the citizens of Norwick are just rising or still in bed and the land is quiet and still, a sound is heard, faint at first but becoming louder and louder, constant, and monotonous in tone and pace….

    The dull thud...thud....thud of heavy dwarven boots pounding out a running pace on the road through the village.

    As the sun finally crests the tree tops and shines down into the town, the door to the Redcloak Barracks, near City Hall is thrown open in haste and urgency.

    Bursting into the barracks is a dwarf, clad in half-plate, well oiled and shined but with faint rusting due to the dampness of the previous nights air. Dirt, and not a few splotches of dark dried blood pepper his clothing.

    "To arms! To arms!" he shouts. Rushing into the room he seeks out the first member of the militia he can find "There has been an attack, on the south gate, we need to shore up the defenses! Hurry and report to your commander that the attacks have begun again...." Catching his breath he starts to slow down his speech.

    "It began late in the day yesterday, I was down by the gate, just went to take the air and smoke my pipe....I was greeted by a Master Thorn, who had similar plans. We got to talking, me being new here, about how apparently in the past the gate was attacked often, but it seemed that recently the attacks have slacked off...." A grim look crosses the dwarves face "thats when it happened, like they were waiting, and listening to us speak! First it was just some gobbos, they came in ones and threes....but then, they became more...." he pauses searching for the word " determined!"

    "Thankfully, some other defenders showed up or I don't think I would be here now reporting to you..." says the dwarf wiping his brow of sweat "Luckily Master Faeler was on the tower keeping watch in hiding and Master Caelesar happened to wander down to the south gate just as the attacks picked up...."

    "There were several moments I thought I would be dinning with Gorm during the long night that we held the gates..." the dwarf gets a far off look "they just kept coming....gobbos, and Hobbs at first, then giant bug creatures with sparkly eyes, and just before day break a wave of small dragons with stinging tales" the dwarf scratches at his shoulder while speaking and at the black, now healed bruised area "and horrible half bird women with screeching cries..."

    "It was only by the stout valor of my companions, and the protection of Gorm that I am here this morning!" Just then a Redcloak with a piece of parchment in hand and a quill walks up "what name should I record for this report?" he asks. The Dwarf replies as if coming out of a daze, shaking his head "Eh, what.....oh, Boldbar.....Boldbar Dorune. Now you lads keep a good eye on that gate.....its been a long night, and I need a pint..." he finishes as he turns and wearily wanders toward the direction of the Grapevine.

  • After a brief search, the Keeper at the Grapevine tells Vanderkaus
    "Yah, I got a Boldbar staying here….been here a good long time now, he pays me regularly and rents a room over the tap room. In fact there he is now...sitting by that long table by the wall."

    Pointing in the general direction, the keeper indicates a dwarf sitting by himself, with a half empty mug by his side.

    He is of average height for his race, is wearing a set of sturdy clothing, and has a well combed beard with two braids woven into the front, his hair is black with just the hint of some gray stripes staring in it. His steel colored eyes are concentrating on a piece of parchment laying on the table next to his mug. A quill and ink vial stand near by.

  • After hearing about these events, Vanderkaus Ahot is seem around town looking for Boldbar Durone.
    The bald old dwarf asks at the inna and inside the Hold for him.
    Nearby listenner can atest the barakor wants to know more about this fight.