Deadly battles at the crossroads

  • Would you cawre to elabowrate… -appwrentice-? ::emphasizes the wowrd::

  • Bats and rats.

  • _Making a team that slips, obsewrves and wreports only it's going to be down to JUST a few people able to do this. The undewrdakwr cwreatuwres see thwrough invisibility and even people twrying to be sneaky. The only possibility to scout down thewre is with gwreatewr sanctuawry.

    A single team, all togethewr and advancing slowly is the pwropewr pwroceduwre._

  • _Possible. We risk nothing but lives to check the known haunts. Perhaps a divination to locate the heads once we are in the region. I would suggest two teams. A small forward reconnaissance, with a larger team held in reserve.

    The first teams slips in and observes and reports only. Regardless of the outcome, we'll most likely move in in force and secure the area, but this exercise, while informative, is without context. Context we need.

    And that's assuming it's this particular nesting ground of hooks and displacers and not another.

    Perhaps the duergar are involved. Perhaps not._

  • "ah I get it! The other day we went to displacers and there were duergar squatting there! We had to retreat because of the sheer number and our lack of a priest. So that must be the place."

  • _This black figuwre is a feline, claws and.. uh oh. That's cleawrly a displacewr…

    Did you see what big hole in the skull?:. geeez.. that must've huwrt._

  • //Easier than multiple PMs, but private conversation
    _Maria, Sirion, and Ardent stand round a large mirror inside Spellweaver Keep for several hours while Sirion and Maria work their magic.

    Their sense strengthened by spells, Sirion points out the red creature.
    "A hook horror perhaps?"

    "And look there. The earring looks like the Kelemvorite's sigil. We should confirm that one of the dead wore such a trinket, but it is most likely the case."

    "This shadowed figure…I still cannot see through it. A physical illusion perhaps? I only know one creature that can manage that. Can you make out the number of legs it has?"_

  • Legion

    \Scryers PMed.

  • For his part, Sirion takes in the scene, and the lesson, but doesn't seem to be in any rush to right anything down. He also handles divinations to be cast through the scrying.

    //The Mirror bumps it up to Greater Scrying//

  • _Ardent, Sirion and María head to the tower. Ardent carries belongings of the fallen men, and María carries a small bag with components: The eye of a hawk, nitric acid, copper, and zinc.

    As they head for the tower, María speaks about the spell she's about to perform, Scrying, and is speaking to Sirion. By the looks of it, she's teaching him how the spell has to be casted.

    Once they arrive to the tower, they head for the laboratory and start the preparations. Sirion is allowed to help in the preparation of the spell, and Ardent is allowed to watch.

    With the components and the Fine mirror offered by Sirion, María finaly casts the Scrying spell on the fallen men belongings, in an attempt to scry their missing heads._

  • (Got a Dm ruling)

    The bodies were safetly in the temple before Diadne scorched the scene. Ardent thanks Diadne for the cleansing she gave the bloodstained grass and remnants of gore, sparing others the gruesome sight. In the meantime, Ardent is questioning the gate guards in Peltarch about if two people, one in full plate and one not came in through the gates near the time the Kelemvorites were killed.

    Also, Sirion and Maria are currently scryeing out the location of the lost heads of the Kelemvorites.

  • When Diadne happens across the scene on one of her trips north, her face turns pale, and for a moment, she looks ill.

    With a quick gesture a ball a fire forms in her hand, and she raises her shield skyward. The heavens open up, and a pillar of fire streaks downward. She hurls the ball of fire and when they meet, there is an intense conflagration. People feel the heat for many yards beyond the area.

    When the flames clear, ash and soot are all that remain. The wind picks up some of the ash, and carries it aloft to fertilize the ground elsewhere.

    Satisfied, Diadne continues her journey northward.

  • Legion Private Romulus offers his services. The Troff Legion has been ordered to patrol the Nars Pass and keep the crossroads safe for commerce. Romulus has traversed these roads daily and while he has not personally witnessed any violence since the the Hoarans' departure, he takes his responsibility seriously.

    Login: AubreyMaturin
    Character: Romulus Grey

  • Ardent is going to forgo the official escort into Oscura but she will inquire at her temple if they will raise these fallen warriors to ask exactly who they remember slew them. She remarks to Cray before she leaves

    "When we find out who did this, they are going to wish they had never done these deeds. I'll see to it myself."

  • The scene is too brutal,that who passes by sees the beheaded corpses.The bodies are there but heads are missing.A sick image,even for people,used to violence.

    \whoever need more info about it,can pm me guys 🙂

  • _Cray is pleasant while interacting with Ardent at the reastaurant. He sips a coffee that he has just added a large amount of cream and sugar to. Cray states that he has found no clues at the crossroads. Nor has anyone in the restaurant claimed to know anything. He seems sincere.

    Cray openly expressed some disapproval of the killings, but has not ruled out self-defense as a motive yet. He was hoping a witness account could have brought that detail to lite.

    Cray inquires as to the method the poison arrived into the corpses, and if there are any tell tale puncture wounds; as the spider woods are nearby.

    He states that he knows of no merchants that openly sell poison in Oscura. However he offers Ardent an offical escort within Oscura, if she wishes to source poison there, during her investigation._

  • Upon hearing of the foul slaying of two of her own, Ardent heads to the Temple of Kelemvor to speak to the Doomguide and then take a look at the corpses. Upon hearing of poison, Ardent can think of only one place that may be able to sell poison and seeks out Cray to speak to him. Hearing that he may be at the Rats and Bats, she heads down to ask him about both his findings and possibly investigating his own home.

  • A gray figure passed over the scene, a Ranger who left no tracks of his own; a few fleeting moments, to the lamen the observation would seem as no more than a half turn and groundward glance. But Yngdir knows what he's doing, and the Crossroads are too close to home for this to go ignored. Like a skien of mist he allows the world to absorb his physical form, and invisibly within the shadows of the trees he takes what information he has gathered to the Eastern shrine - presumably to relay what he has found to the Kelemvorites there.

  • _As things have been quiet in Oscura of late, Peacekeeper Cray decides that investigating the scene of the attack will be a good way to keep his Detective skills sharp.

    Cray searches the area of the attack well, taking his time, hoping to find a clue hiding in the mud or grass.

    Afterward he makes his way over to the Rats and Bats restaurant. Putting his intelligence and interview techniques to work, he talks to everyone in the establishment about the evening in question. Hoping to find a witness, or a lead of some kind._