Rawlinswood Tower

  • Legion

    Maria's tower still glows with a purple hue.

    A few goblin corpses are stacked at her doorstep.

  • Legion

    Maria's tower now glows in a deep purple hue.

  • Goblin slurs written on the walls of Maria’s tower. A strange combination of crude lettering and rude pictograms drawn with a foul smelling reddish brown paste, a mixture of blood and feces perhaps. They would be more threatening if one didn’t have to bend down to read them.

    Goblins have always had a gift for profanity. It appears frequently in their “literature.”

    The disgusting:

    Maggot [crotch] dog whore!
    Zombie ass puss licker!

    The threatening:

    My knife will make you grin from ear to ear!
    Crawl back to Norwick on your bloody stumps!
    Wheel tweach you to twalk bwitch!

    Anatomically inappropriate suggestions of things to do with:

    Large groups of randy goblins.
    Rotting tree stumps.
    Dead farm animals.

    Obscure references to religion:

    Maglubiyet’s bitch lives here!

    The strange fascination goblins have for kneecaps:

    Your kneecaps are mine stinkbags!
    I’ll make nipple rings from your kneecaps!

    And of course the humorous illustrations:

    A female mage riding a worg… or, uhm… the other way around.
    A female mage bent over with her robe at her ankles being charged by 10 goblins with a sharpened log.

    Honestly, after a while, one gets the idea.

  • She sighs, and goes to the crafters to see a damn gate put on the bridge…....

  • Legion

    More mischief!

    Word has it another 50 or so goblins gave their worthless lives just to add more graffiti to the tower.

    ((If you try to translate the goblinese or clean it off please PM me))

  • Close. The word "crap" was indeed part of the original message. Along with the word "evil", which makes sense considering the goblinoid stance of sovereignty over this portion of the wood. From the goblin's perspective, this is illicit territorial annexation beyond the typical border skirmishes. Which is to be expected.

  • A passing dwarf stops and looks at the scene. He squints at the graffiti before bursting into laughter and slapping his knee.

    _I got no idea what it says, but I can bet it goes sumtin' like dis:

    "ya built us a nice tower on our island. Thank you. We would like to move in within the next ten-day. Please move yer crap out. "_

  • The resplendently dressed and reserved elfomancer Sirion merely shakes his head.

  • When María arrives back to her tower and sees the paintings she starts swearing out loud about how asshats the goblins are. After she's done swearing she spells up and heads to the rawlinswoods…to the center of the first goblin area, and let's them know, in goblin language (tounges spell) that they have 24hours to clean the mess, or there will be no goblin standing next day, not there, not deeper, not in the caves...

  • ((yep, sorry, hadnt visited it before … that castle looks way too big for its island 🙂 ))

  • ((Marias tower, the one in the Rawlinswood

  • ((which tower,exactly?))