Life at the Shiney Coppers

  • She swills her glass and with an amused grin she leans in closely and whispers "Sweet Mr Reinhard….. I think...." she lingers for a moment in silence and then ".... I have to take that as an insult" She gently puts down her glass and tells Jario " the gentleman here Mr Reinhard is happy to pay for my drink" she winks at Fabian in good humour pulls up her red hood and heads out once again walking the dark alleys, and back up above ground

  • Having his face covered from common view,the hooded Fabian returns a glance to Mystic and while watching the scene,he address to her roughly ''friend of yours?''

  • With the rich red velvet hood covering her face Mystic walks the street of Oscura. Keeping to the darkest of alleys she finally reaches the Coppers. She pulls down her hood and walks to the bar for her usual drink. She flashes a smile to Fabian and turns to the singing entertainer and …. chokes on her mulled wine when she sees Devora twisting and turning like a dead fish. She shakes her head and chuckles “The arrogant little witch truly has had a change in careers this surely suites her much better”. She raises her glass to the absurdity of it all

  • @d5072c5a29=Gonnar:


    ((Will need to see DM about trashing gold for outfits and the hiring of twisting prostitutes))

    ((Devy with her 14 charisma base would be game for playing her part as twisting prostitute for 50gp.

    ((//Hmm … 14 CHA? For 50 I would also expect a private lap dance. 25gp and we have a deal.))

    EDIT: Done deal. Devy is one of the twisting lassies!

  • [quote="Crimson_Button"
    ((Will need to see DM about trashing gold for outfits and the hiring of twisting prostitutes))
    ((Devy with her 14 charisma base would be game for playing her part as twisting prostitute for 50gp.

  • Another hooded man in leather,enters the shiny coppers and takes a slow look around.After giving everyone a quick glance he goes standing by the bar and takes a drink.While he sits alone,he examines Bon carefully and cracks a smile.

  • Quietly sung while strumming descretely in the corner. Bon has a zoro style face mask on again to hide his identity, with a hood and cloak.

    Oscuran woman, gona mess your mind …
    Oscuran woman, She's gona mess your mind ...
    Hmmm Oscuran woman, gona mess your mind ...
    hm Oscuran woman, She's gona mess - your - mind ...

    I say O, I say S, Hmm Say C, I say U, Say R, Say A, I say ENnnnnn Hmmm…

    Oscuran woman, gona mess your mind ...
    Oscuran woman, She's gona mess your mind ...
    Hmmm Oscuran woman, gona mess your mind ...


    Stands and throws off cloak revealing a suit of mock paladin armour with an exceedingly large codpiece. An oversized holy symbol hangs around his neck. Begins ripping out some hard chords from this yartling. A pair of women flank him as he stands. They likewise take off their cloaks. They are dressed in Princess Leia style bikinis and begin to turn and twist to Bon's song.


    Struma-Struma Strum Strumow-
    Struma-Struma Strum Strumow-

    HUGH! pelvic thrust

    Struma-Struma Strum Strumow-
    Struma-Struma Strum Strumow-

    OS-CUR-AN WO-MAN! Stay away from me!
    OS-CUR-AN WO-MAN! Bonny let me be
    Lov'n you is such a sin!
    Too much for this pal-a-din
    When I see you turn and twist,
    You're too much I can't resist!
    Now Woman, I said stay away-ay
    OS-CUR-AN WO-MAN! listen what I say-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay

    gets down on his knees and begins playing his yartling for the twisting women.

    OS-CUR-AN WO-MAN! Get away from me!
    gets up
    OS-CUR-AN WO-MAN! Missy let me be!
    Rath Ashald, Shannon D'Arneau
    I'm sure they know all a-bout you!
    Thel and all the other guys,
    I'm know you've caught their lusty eyes!
    Cut a man right down to size,
    Hypnotise us with your thighs.
    Now Woman, I said get away-ay
    OS-CUR-AN WO-MAN! Listen what I say-ay-ay-ay

    Struma-Struma Strum Strumow-
    Struma-Struma Strum Strumow-

    HUGH! pelvic thrust

    Struma-Struma Strum Strumow-
    Struma-Struma Strum Strumow-

    OS-CUR-AN WO-MAN! Get away from me
    OS-CUR-AN WO-MAN! Filly let me be
    Do you worship Shar or Worship Bane?
    To me it's all the same.
    Maybe flirt and then convert?
    Just one kiss could that really hurt?
    Draw the shades blow out the candle,
    Your lov'ns more than I can handle!
    Now Woman, get away from me-yee
    OS-CUR-AN WO-MAN! Bonny let me be

    Go, gotta get away, gotta get away now go, go, go
    I'm gonna leave you woman
    Gonna leave you woman
    Bye-bye Bye-bye Bye-bye Bye-bye
    You're no good for me
    I'm no good for you
    Gonna look you right in the eye
    Tell you what I'm gonna do
    You know I'm gonna leave
    You know I'm gonna go
    You know I'm gonna leave
    You know I'm gonna go-o,
    But yo' lov'n hits the mark …
    And nobody sees us in - the - dark ...

    big finish

    Struma-Struma Strum Strumow-
    Struma-Struma Strum Strumow-

    HUGH! pelvic thrust

    Struma-Struma Strum Strumow-
    Struma-Struma Strum Strumow!


    ((Will need to see DM about trashing gold for outfits and the hiring of twisting prostitutes))

  • ((A hooded, masked figure sits quietly in the corner strumming his lute. Every now and then he increases the volume of his strumming and sings the following song. It is simply background music at first, but gradually he increases the volume and the energy of the playing as he notices the attention of the patrons in the tavern))

    Strum-strumity Strum! Strum! Strum!
    Strum-strumity Strum! Strum! Strum!

    Pa –ladin, Pa –ladin - Why’r you down there?
    I’m Chasing an evil mouse under this chair!

    Strum-strumity Strum! Strum! Strum!
    Strum-strumity Strum! Strum! Strum!
    Pa –ladin, Pa –ladin – What do you mean?
    I must slay this mouse for it makes ladies scream!

    Strum-strumity Strum! Strum! Strum!
    Strum-strumity Strum! Strum! Strum!

    Pa –ladin, Pa –ladin - Where are you now?
    I’m here in this field and I’m chasing this cow!

    Strum-strumity Strum! Strum! Strum!
    Strum-strumity Strum! Strum! Strum!
    Pa –ladin, Pa –ladin – Why’d you do that?
    Because my god told me this cow is too fat!

    Strum-strumity Strum! Strum! Strum!
    Strum-strumity Strum! Strum! Strum!

    Pa –ladin, Pa –ladin – Why’d you kill him?
    He’s obviously ugly and covered in sin!

    Strum-strumity Strum! Strum! Strum!
    Strum-strumity Strum! Strum! Strum!
    Pa –ladin, Pa –ladin – Please do explain?
    His ugly face was caus-ing good folks much pain!

    Strum-strumity Strum! Strum! Strum!
    Strum-strumity Strum! Strum! Strum!

    Pa –ladin, Pa –ladin – what do you dread?
    To not convert Narfell before I am dead!

    Strum-strumity Strum! Strum! Strum!
    Strum-strumity Strum! Strum! Strum!
    Pa –ladin, Pa –ladin – why must this be?
    ‘Cause my god can't suffer Nar-fell to be free!

    Strum-strumity Strum! Strum! Strum!
    Strum-strumity Strum! –stops abruptly!

    Oh that reminds me of a joke! A necromancer and a paladin walk into a tavern …

    puts his lute down, gets up and starts strolling about so he can do the actions for the joke

    … and the paladin draws his sword does the action of drawing a sword and holds the imaginary out toward the imaginary necromancer’s neck and cries “REPENT! Repent of thy foul magic NECROMANCER! for if you shan't verily I swear by my god that I shall BEHEAD THEE and paint the landscape RED with thy BLOOD!”

    The necromancer changes position and puts his hands up in surrender replies “VERILY I repent of my dark arts good paladin! And praise be unto your just god for his grace and mercy! But rest assured that during some dark hour I shall repent of my repentance and return unto the dark art from whence I had turned!”

    The paladin pondered on this for a moment. He would gain much prestige and status within his church for turning this necromancer from his dark arts unto righteousness, and if he could repeat the process on a regular basis then he could gain praise and status time and time again! “Very well NECROMANCER! I leave you now a righteous soul. Return to your dark arts, and be here this time next twotenday. Then I shall convert you unto righteousness again!”

    The necromancer pondered on this for a moment. He would gain the ability to move and trade amongst the folks on the surface without persecution should he be a regular “convert”. So he replied unto the paladin “Very well PALADIN! I shall bring my darkened heart to this very spot twotenday hence, and we shall be locked in theological combat ONCE MORE!”

    And so the necromancer and the paladin met every second tenday, the necromancer being converted and enjoying a better relationship with common folk, and the paladin gaining prestige and power within his church. This mutually beneficial relationship continued until one day the necromancer said unto the paladin “Good paladin, I feel this process of continual conversion is taking a toll on my soul. Each time I feel it is harder for me to return to practice my dark necromantic arts – my conscience being seared by a hot iron!”

    “Good!” the paladin exclaimed. “Then final victory shall by mine! Verily, thanks be to you for participating in my elevation into ecclesiastical GLORY!”

    The necromancer left the tavern sad. But hope was not entirely lost! He went into the dark temple and beseeched the dark priest therein, “Dark Priest! How may my heart be converted back unto darkness that I may practice my necromantic arts again without injury to my conscience?”

    the bard hunches over to assume a stooped, evil looking posture, hands curled to become claw like and making evil gestures as he speaks

    “Oh such a task is easy my son! Go FORTH! Shed as much BLOOD as you can! Then your heart shall be darkened and you shall return to practice your necromantic arts once more with a GLEEFUL HEART!”

    “But … that is such as the paladins do! What if I gulps be converted unto PALADINHOOD!”

    “Oh such would be a GREAT BOON!” the dark priest exclaimed. “For as a paladin you shall cause rivers of evil blood to flow across the land! Your heart will swell with pride and arrogance due to the great exploits of slaughter! Eventually your god shall reject you for some minor breach of dogma and you shall become a true son of DARKNESS!”

    puts on a baffled look “Is that really how it works?” asked the necromancer.

    “Verily it is! Indeed, the most effective agents for DARKNESS have been PALADINS! In fact – half of the paladins in NARFELL are already on this church’s PAYROLL!”

    To conclude, he kicks his lute up into his hands and strums a quick, jaunty tune

    Thankyou folks, I’m here every second night for the next three tendays!

  • Mystic and Kyan have picked a table further back in the tavern. One can see they are in intense but cheerful conversation. The waitress that keeps bringing wine bottle after wine bottle, does not only marvel over the quantity consumed but also over the treasures, strange objects and written notes found scattered on their table

  • Mystic enters the coppers with unusual party and slips down in the usual chair infront of the fire. As she quietly enjoys a heated glass of wine, she notice the tavern is quite busy .. many nobles about.. even…. to her curiosity... the blue and golden plated knight Rath Ashald Jorinsen.

  • A voice from the door speaks, as the Dreadlord himself steps into the establishment:

    Impressive, mmmyes. Glad to see I still leave the right impression….chuckles darkly

    He then proceeds to join the others.

  • Mystic just gives Sogar a questioning stare and shakes her head. "Please, this dog like dogs, I thought everyone knew? I am sure Quelcoth keep this pedigree champion on a short leash.. and he should, he is quite sighs impressive"..chuckles amused.. besides my interest is somewhere else.

  • "You really think that is my intention grins Im not sure Quelcoth would approve.

    But you are correct, let us get to work…"

    Alucard walks out with Sogar, returning later very very very bloody

  • Legion

    Sugar notices the two well you two done cuddling with each other in the darK? I believe we have work to do….

  • Alucard entering the Coppers and motions to Jario that the usual drink is to be served. As it is, he settles by Mystic and it doesnt take long before conversations commence… quite a lengthy discussion with various topics and information exchanged.. however somewhat particular about a wealthy family

  • Quelcoth and Alucard both enter the coppers, adorned in fullplate and in blood. They walk to the bar, order drinks and retire to the back rooms. They were in a cheerful mood, or as cheerful as can be for Banes servents

  • One day recently Quelcoth and Cray were seen walking into the Coppers, both of them surrounded by the glitterings and glowings of magical defenses indicative of recent combat or adventure.

    The pair pulled chairs up to the fire and just sat around a while, chatting it up with some of the other regulars.

  • Another lazy evening at the Coppers, Kyan and Mystic talking about her Spell Weave initiation project and general boredom, when a green and black helmed and… what appeares by the lack of cloth and shape of the figure a woman comes by. Her voice a bit distorted through the helm possibly by magical intentions.

    With sudden peaked curiosity Mystic jumps of her chair and slips into Kyan’s lap offering the woman to sit and join their company. Both Kyan and Mystic tries to invite her to conversation, she doesn’t say much and after a while gets up and leaves murmuring something like.. “ I be useless where ever you plan to go anyways” an walks out the door

  • @c3fb2cc144=Davidnwn:

    Alucard sits quietly watching everything in the coppers with a bemused look, his sword never far from his hand. Whenever anyone comes storming in((such as the above mentioned elf)) he goes for the blade. Yet whenever this happens it does not seem to be what he is waiting for and returns it to his scabbard.

    With a heavy determined push the door to the coppers fly wide open and through it two heavy distinct foot steps of metal hitting down on the wooden tavern floor attracts the attention to an armed fully plated covered elven warrior entering the inn.
    Primarily he throws his stern glare towards the elf who entered the inn just prior to Eléndel before his focus suddenly switched to Alucard who discretely shakes his head slowly. As a consequence the armored warrior turns to leave without a word

  • The elf and Fabian, the elf mentioned as being named Dust, speak quietly in a corner about some important matter. Obviously, there is some dire thing involved, their expressions appear serious. Fabian appears confident but Dust has an appearance of frustration and worry, his handsome elven features marred by a furrowed brow and severe expression.
    Once Mystic leaves, Dust expresses his apologies for chasing such a beautiful woman off which hopefully Fabian accepts. Dust leaves soon after, pushing his hands through his hair as he tries to figure out a plan to deal with the issue they are both facing. Before he does leave he turns back to Fabian.

    "If it is between you and her, do what you have to do. I'm not trading one of my own for someone who has not sworn their allegiance and may never. Speak to …well you know who." He nods to Cray and leaves.