Boldbar Dorune

  • Boldbar was born in the Year of the Sea Lions Roaring (1414 DR), in his home Keep of Citadel Adbar. His father was a smith who specialized in crafting weapons and munitions for the use by the Silver Marches Confederation. As such Boldbar spent much of his young life either at his fathers side at the forge, or up above on the surface in the Hold of Adbarrim (the above ground section of the Citadel that non-dwarves are allowed to trade in), helping his uncle keep a market stall there, and running the store on occasion.

    As with all Dwarves of the Citadel, Boldbar joined and trained with his clans militia unit, The Mithril Company, upon reaching the age of 40. It was here that he truly excelled in learning the art of martial combat. He quickly became an acting corporal, and enjoyed the weekly muster of his unit for training.

    Just after his 60th year, tragedy struck the Dorune family. While transporting a much needed store of weapons produced at the families forge to Silverymoon, the trade caravan containing both Boldbar's Father and Uncle was attacked by Trolls, there were no survivors. After morning the loss of his father, and hunting down some of the Trolls with the help of the Mithril Company, Boldbar turned from his service in the militia to help run the family business, with the help of his cousin, Bors.

    While Bors picked up running the forge and making goods, Boldbar has turned to trying to find a new market for the families product, perhaps in a less dangerous market place. After 5 more years the family has decided to relocate to the area of Ironspur in Damara, however still not finding the market needed to sell their goods, Boldbar has decided to take up as a caravan guard, with the hope of possibly establishing a trading post or shop of his own as an outlet for his Cousins wares.

    Recently, after accompanying a caravan of Dwarven wares to The Hold in Norwick, Boldbar has decided to try his hand at adventuring in the region to attempt to raise the funds needed to start a business for his cousin in Norwick, or at the Hold.

  • ICC

    Thank you very mutch! 😄

    Reviewed, XP Pending!

  • Login: teflonbilly
    Character: Boldbar Dorune

    Respectfully submitted.

  • ICC

    I need your character full name and you server login, please 🙂


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