Inverness Cashail

  • Inverness Cashail

    Inverness Cashail was born in Silverymoon, a city of unity and culture, art and lore. A place where the similarities amongst different races rather than the differences were celebrated, making this city a jewel of the north. From an early age the elf found that unity tended to welcome in weaker or lesser members, especially humans. He argued vehemently that diluting a potion did not make it stronger but weaker. His family bore out their troubled younger member until Inverness took matters into his own hands and slew a local merchant who he felt gouged elves with his prices. He was cast out from his people, blood and bone, soul and flesh, and it was doubly insulting to the elf.
    To be cast out for the blood of a human, it was degrading. He travelled toward the Chondalwood, intent on joining the Eldreth Valuuthra there and finding those intent on putting the weak in their place and that place was not amongst elves. Before he could, he found a half elf Banite priest named Nikolai Volshi and was hired to protect the man on a mission to rescue some Banites being pursues in Cormyr. From Nikolai he learned much about the church of Bane and about the people who take up the faith. Strong willed people, people with vision, people who will not let a misguided sense of altruism blind them from the truth. People were different and the weak should not rule the strong. He knelt at midnight and his blood was spilled as he promised to serve Bane and only Bane.

    When Nikolai was killed, Inverness went southward, joining up with the Black Raiders, the terrible bandits used by the sultans of Calimshan to keep the rising power of the merchants at bay. Here he found much bloodshed and honed his talented between travelling to visit his many half elven children. His previous hatred of humans as his equals did not prevent him from bedding their women, far be it. In fact he sought them out, especially those with ancestors who were great warlords or heroes. He sought to bring forth children infused with the great blood of the rare powerful human with the naturally great blood of all elves. He still searches for that perfect combination, watching his progeny carefully for signs of one who will make a perfect servant to his dark lord.

    He settled in Oscura to watch closer one of his middle children, Ardent, and while there found her rules stifling to his style. He did not wish to skulk in Oscura and be good for the sake of her values. He stalks the top lands again, working toward his endless goals with eyes forever set on the horizon.

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