A Dockyard Dilemma

  • The Halfling Defence League

    One by one, it seems that fewer and fewer ships are making their way into Peltarch's harbor. What's causing this isn't entirely clear, though rumors that some sort of large sea monster is now plaguing the lake's shipping lanes seem to be the favorite amongst the regulars to the dock district's taverns.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Rumor about the city states that a group of adventurers encountered the source of the disappearances on a trip north. Popular rumor places the fault on a large and uncommonly powerful black dragon.

  • A chuckle rolls out through the murmur of the gathered. Rasuil, known woodland warden turned sea ranger grins broadly as a few heads turn his way.

    "Moonie, yer enthusiasm is commendable, but 'till there's a first hand account o'what it is, s'all jus' speculation. But, if ye aim ta go an have a peek fer yerself, I'd be more'n willin' ta offer my services ta tha task. I know my way 'round ship operations an' there's few about that can match me in tha nest.. might have a few skills below tha waves that'd come in handy too."

  • *Blowing a horn from the temple's direction around noon, any who come to see what the commotion about will notice a rather concerned looking halfling covered in moonstone jewelry, wearing a robe similar to what a priestess of selune would wear sitting next to outdoor shrine.

    "Moon once been in an underwater adventure before where someone cast water-breaths for awhile and we went down below to fight fishmen. Perhaps if we can round ups some strong warriors mages and other adventurer, some of them also good with sailing, we can find a solutions. Moon know she crazy enough to do something like this if mean saving lives, perhaps if others are crazy enough too, we can work to reduce the risk and save some lives. If anyone else wish to volunteer once we get more informations we can goes down there and put an end to dis thing, yes. If anyone have any informations at all that can help with this situation, please tell herself, any lighthouse staff, as well as other sailor and the Jewel's navy, guards, and defender."

  • "Th' fark is going on…." Raúl mutters as he hears the people rumouring from his apartment at the docks. He gets out and turns right to the docks, sneaking through, gathering information about the situation in silence.

  • ::A young Peltarch Defender with a single stripe in her shoulderpad is seen spending part of her time around the docks, watching and informing herself about the dimension of this threat, looking for witnesses amongst traders and seafarers::

  • The Black Sails vessels still come and go as before, though the rumours buzzing at the Lucky Ferret Inn seem to ensure extra offerings of gold, rum and various precious shiny things to the cold depths before each departure. Captain Seesaw's own ship, The Raven, is no exception to this rule, each member of the small but well disciplined crew paying their respects to the Bitch Queen before the ship glides out of port.

  • Curious Moon River leaves her apartment at the bottleneck complex just close to ship yard and harbour. Amused she chuckle to herself as her memories take her back to Kraken port, her home, on the isles west of Moonsheas. What if a giant red serpent got caught in a net or just found the dirty dark water at the docks a good place to feed? Either way, this be a challenge no unfamiliar to me. Now let’s hear what the rumours say

  • Hearing this, Mooncandy immediately goes to the docks district and tries to find any sort of evidence of such a creature existence, debris, any damaged ships that made it, then contacts the lighthouse and any available mages to try and perhaps scrye it to see if if they can divinate the source further