Ashena Teroldys

  • IG Description:

    Modest of stature, yet proud of bearing, Ashena Teroldys stands before you, a vision of sweet youth and loveliness. Gleaming, dark chestnut hair falls down to a small waist, past earnest brown eyes and an ofttime solemn mouth. Her skin is fair and flawless, as is the condition of her armor and weaponry, ever dutifully cleaned, polished and sharpened. A symbol of Torm hangs around Ashena's neck, and a longsword at her hip.

    Height: 5'3'' / 160 cm
    Build: Ashena can appear deceptively delicate with a frame more slender than it is sturdy, clearly feminine curves and a noticably small waist. However, she is not without strength and carries herself with a proud, quiet confidence.
    Skin: Fair and flawless, with a healthy glow.
    Hair: Dark, gleaming chestnut brown in colour, usually kept in a single, wrist-thick braid that reaches all the way down to her waist. When at rare occasions she lets her hair hang free, it falls in heavy waves down to the top of her hips.
    Eyes: A warm, deep brown in colour.
    Accent and languages spoken: Ashena speaks Common and Damaran, her accent soft and southern, reminiscent of the area near Procampur.
    Distinctive features: Her long braid and straight posture, coupled with the shining blue and gold plate of the Order of the Divine Shield make Ashena easily recognizable, and the symbol of Torm on her cloak and hanging around her neck makes her choice of faith just as easily read.
    Race: Human
    Age: 18 (on arrival in Narfell)
    Relatives: Yes, quite a few! (again, all ages as upon arrival in Narfell)
    In The Vast: Father, Lord Ganelon Teroldys (aged 46). Mother, Lady Hedyn (age 44). Twin brother Gralam, elder brother Felix (age 19), younger sister Alera (age 9) and younger brother Targus (age 7). Her uncle is Adelroth Teroldys, Ganelon's seneschal. His son, Ashena's cousin, is Lothar Teroldys (age 15).
    In Narfell: Emma Teroldys (age 24), Sigibert Teroldys (age 24, half brother) and Aymon Teroldys (age 20), Ganelon's heir.