Cecil Northman

  • (More info to come)

  • Another good pic of what Cecil would look like, with spoiler on where I got the image 😉

  • The picture above was a good example of Cecil when he first came to Narfell, after walking a very long way from Illuskan, taking boats when necessary, with beat up scavenged armor and mismatched clothing, and a sword that had seen some far better days.

    Cecil is a Northman, and took on the description as a last name after abandoning his childhood moniker, and anchoring himself in Norwick as a guard, with a purpose.

    He has brown eyes, brown hair, and an honest face that while not ugly, is fairly plain. The most noticeable thing about him is his size. He is nearly seven feet tall, and broad of shoulder, and thickly muscled from constant years of traveling with caravans as a guard, which also meant lifting wagons and carrying loads when wagons broke down, and any combat that came along.

    He is in his mid twenties, and usually found carrying a Greatsword that seems to have an edge made of purple light, a gift to him from his friends. He knows nothing about it, but seems happy enough to use it often, and carry it about Norwick during his duties as a guard.

    He has scars that few see, as his back was terribly mauled when he was a young man, during his trial of manhood. He wears them proudly, though they mar the tattoos across his back.

    Similar tattoos adorn his arms, chest, and legs too, with patterns of chasing animals, a Black Lion being the dominant figure in all of them.

    His armor seems to be something purple now, but a red (Or red-ISH) one always graces his shoulders.