Brangwen Merce

  • ~Brangwen Merce~

    Ingame Portrait

    By defcon1dfa at 2011-09-15
    Note, The eyes are Not the same, I'm working on another version with altered colors 🙂

    Hair: Platinum Blonde, Almost silver in the right light. Worn free to below her shoulders.
    Eyes: Blue-Grey
    Skin Tone: Pale, As befitting a luskanite, Nearly flawless and unmarred in its complexion, Save the single beauty mole below her right eye.
    Age: Appears quite young, Though appearances can be deceiving.
    Build: Lithe, There hardly looks to be much in the way of strength and power in her form, Though she keeps herself in good shape.

    Features of Note: Her ears are ever so slightly pointed at their' tip, Betraying the source of her youthful visage, A tasteful freckle down below her right eye.

    Equipment Worn: She's taken to wearing a longsword on her hip, Though its clear she has no real talent in using it, And it rarely leaves it sheath. She dresses in simple clothing for a magi, Often a fine white blouse, skirt and a Pair of thigh-high leather boots with a matching cloak.

    Commonly spoken Languages/Languages Known: Elven(Ra), Illuskan(Re), Draconic, Sylvan, Auran, Sign(Common), Celestial, Dwarven. [+4 int modifier, 2 Bonus, 4 points(2 languages) in Craft armor After level 1.]