Warrior: A plea for peace
Back Ground info: Warrior a human male deformed and blackened from a curse (IG info): found himself at the GC a few years ago near Babba Katya's tree house in a pool of blood. It is rumored that he attempted to asasinate Katya, but was stopped by Grallons sword. Babba Katya spared his life and he inturn swore that he would give his sword arm to her.
OOC: he was cursed by an unknown group and is now attmepting to find the ones who hired him years ago.
Warrior can often be seen now outside of the camp, he even can be seen removing his Helm at times. Warrior ask's all for pleas of help to help him in his Journey of the past. His face is Horrid, But his Gentle voice can often be heard about the southern towns. He seem's well educated.