Dermin Lantaional's background

  • Dermin was born in a common farm inside a common family in the outskirts of Athkalta. He is a long, long descendant of a barbarian tribe, whose, up to these days, there are not known bases that could tell a history about; although it is known, the tribe’s residence was to the north of Amn. And, therefore, he has barbarian blood. He passed his first years in a peaceful farm, although that farm was the start of his tragic destiny: His parents were murdered by his own old and corrupted brother.

    Being orphan, an inquisitor paladin, took care of him. During his stay with the inquisitor, he lived in the slums of Athkatla. Anyhow, Dermin was instructed by the paladin on reading and wielding the sword all his childhood. He demonstrated good skills in combat training and so much interest in study.

    When his mentor died, and his learning had an unexpected recess, he found himself with nothing and nobody, in the middle of a city where even the most suitable person cannot be safe at all. That was the reason to join a caravan that would travel to who knows where. In his trips the learning was scarce. His knowledge was limited to the battered books that he rarely could acquire and also to the histories that the old men, members of the caravan, usually entrusted to the boy.

    Walking along high forests, gloomy marshes, some gray cities, yellowish steppes, solemn mountains, sleepy hills, and plenty rough or cozy villages, with some fortune and misfortune, the time came up when the caravan had to stop involuntary its travel at The Stormhorns Mountains. The reason of the block owed to a flock of trolls ready to massacre to whomever they find and whatever the motives of the meeting may be.

    Lucky or unlucky, because of the hazard, Dermin and some other members hardly survived the assault, and were taken by a group of resident dwarfs, the owners, some people assume, of the mountains. I mean that they all were taken in captivity by the dwarfs. During long and arduous years, Dermin formed bonds within the dwarfs. In adittion, he learned his language, as a way of communication.

    Once again, after passed some years of living in the mountains, with the obstinacy of knowing and covering part of the land of Faerûn, he was joining and rejoining to caravans that were taking him to nowhere –traveling around the North-East of Faerûn. Until one day, or rather one dawn, he found himself awakening on the prolific ground of the spring, between immense trees, indifferent deer, the sing of the recent arrived birds, etcetera. He was in the Rawlishwoods and the best thing he could do was not to resume his uncompressible lethargy but to run towards the nerviest town: Norwick.

    Lot of years have passed since his arrival. He has discovered the good profit of his barbarian blood and the nice taste of the regional meal. During his demurrage, he has met different people; many of them have been already forgotten, others have just disappeared, found death, or going in a trip from which there is not when to come back. Also he left the land of Narfell for a while in order to make some sterile trips, but now he has completely come. In end, he has lived seeking, at least, a reason to keep wielding his sword. Because he knows that life has not any sense and he is not worried about it.

    Character name: Dermin Lantaional
    Login: seisan300

  • ICC

    Reviewed, XP Pending!

  • ((Edited, as I actually read the rules))