A Sealed Scroll

  • A darkly clad half elf humming a jubilant tune strolled into the Magistrates Office, sure if she looked nonchalant and innocent enough they wouldn't make up a new law to jail her. She had a duty as an AGENT, even the word made her giggle. She was an agent now! She had duties for a banished elf! It was almost glamorous in a skulky way and it amused her to no end.

    Spying an officer of such a severe and serious office, she laid the scroll on the desk before him and spoke with a forced serious intonation.

    "This sealed scroll is being delivered to you in the name of Sirion Goldthane." She could have asked for a tip but she wanted to catch up with the big people to go hunt down some kobolds. With two master sneaks! So instead she bowed, gathered her cloak around her and left with a quick step. Despite Sirion's assurances of this not happening, she had a feeling it may still explode.

  • That is acceptable. I will return in six days time to reclaim my property. Now, where do you keep your dead and dismembered before they are buried?

  • A Cerulean, who is apparently right in the middle of reading Sirion's letter, looks up at him silently for a moment. He confiscates the staff and hands it to someone behind him for inspection.

    "Very well, you're free to roam the city. However, one of the magistrates will be contacting you about your two illegal breaches of banishment."

    The Cerulean inspecting the staff tosses it onto a pile of magical items.

    "We'll get back to you on the staff in six to eight tendays."

  • _Sirion strolls un-surreptitiously straightly to the Ceruleans' station and surrenders a screaming staff. Should any guard at the gate attempt to stop him, he'll polymorph into a bird and continue on the same path.

    "It screams. It bleeds. So does a paladin. It's not evil and neither am I. Mariston's edict is unfounded in purpose, but I require it removed so I can help a friend. Yes, I have friends. Any more questions, or can I go?"_

  • _Several days later, another similar scroll is left, with a note:

    "Please respond else expect persistence."

    The bearer is unseen, but the staff notice a squirrel or rat got in, and if any wards were around to trigger as an invisible person passes through it, they are tripped around the same time the small furry thing was spotted.

    When opened, the seconds scroll is identical to the first._

  • ((If/when anyone opens it and reads it, PM me.))