*The Return of the one known as Rera... sort of*

  • (not for XP, just general info :D)

    Those who have met her in the past have known her as a chaotic, silly druid with many physical and mental disabilities. She had recently passed away about three years ago in the inner druids glenn, causes unknown.

    *Many have recently seen a figure that resembles her of late, just as slender, just as short, but her physical handicaps seem to be gone. She seems to be inegmatic to many druids, being able to shapeshift, being able to draw upon nature and give back to it just like any other druid. But you also notice a couple of oddities. *

    • For one, she cannot seem to speak or understand any tongue othern than the primary one she's turned into. Futile efforts have been made to talk to her in common in elven form, elven while in bear form, eccetera. There are also a couple more elements that might be found rather… odd. You notice no trace of holy symbols on her whatsoever, she wears nothing more than a lanky robe made of weaved grass, you never hear her actually pray to any diety other than asking nature itself, and she is incapable of speaking or understanding druidic.*

    She has no memory of her past, she knows little of her existance. She can be found often in animal form, but lest she approaches you, you would be very hard pressed if not impossible to distinguish her from natures other creations. Comptemptious of "two leggers", she walks among them in elven form from time to time, but rarely actually mingles with them, except for the "nature talkers", and seems to struggle most in her elven form.

    What is she for sure? A druid playing coy, a doppelganger, an entity of nature, or something more? Good luck finding out.

  • Reviewed - No XP Pending.