::the fog filled pass::

  • _Late in the night, fog spread across the pass, working up from the river near the guarding Hoarrans. None gave notice, since fog gathers in the night, though this one was thick and heavy. When the sun rose in the morning, the mists did not burn off, but instead seemed to thicken even more.

    Travellers through the area note that the fog does not extend far north or far south of the new bridge. Perhaps it is to hide the actions of the Hoarrans in some new try at aggression? Whatever it is, it leaves those who pass through it ill at ease, and many swear that they've seen shapes pass by or even brush against them… only to disappear again at a touch._

    ((PCs travelling through, if you do come across creatures that attack, they leave no bodies but shred back in to mist. Divine may seem to have an effect on them, but that may be a trick of the eyes))

  • The last of the fog and its creatures seem to have been cleared out by the Hoarrans, as they again pick up their old posts in the pass, watching for trespassers. If anything, they seem as confused as any other traveller on the causes of the mysterious fog, and some might notice more mages then usual amongst the patrols.

  • Labur sees the fog walking to the Legion tower from Norwick. At first he pays no attention to it until spotting a caster spelling the mist. Sensing something bigger than he will be able to investigate on his own, he sprints to the tower and alerts the Legion.

  • Small groups of Hoarrans have been seen here and there spelling the mist, or else seeming to fight with things that seem to fall apart. Jonathan has been seen with Vaxin, clearing large swath of it, only to have it creep slowly back later.