A Celebration is Announced

  • A poster is pinned to the notice boards and in prominent locations written in Human, Hin, Elven, Dwarven and in a phonetic elven rune script designed to simulate the vocalizations of Gnomish.

    _“To all her dearest friends and acquaintances, Elanor, Apprentice Wizard of the Emerald Circle would like to announce her wedding to Alex, Sorcerer of this Land Upon the 5th day of Mirtul.
    Rith willing the ceremony will take place by the fountain in the Shrine of Lathander in Norwick, for which Elanor holds a special place in her heart.
    The couple welcome all those that know them and would wish to Celebrate this joyous occasion with them.
    If any are so inclined as to give the happy couple gifts upon her nuptials Elanor has let it be known that they hope to purchase a house together in the Silver Valley and that any contributions to that would be welcome.

    May Yondalla protect you and may you live in Lathander’s Light Always”_

    (((This Sunday 16th January at 10pm GMT, it would be really nice to see those that can make it especially all those that helped Elanor regain her tongue and her voice)))