Hi everybody! ((YAY its Dr. Nick!!))
I've been testing the water a bit o'er the last couple weeks, think I'm going to give Narfell a good chance!!
Tips? Hints? free C-tokens?!
:twisted: …Welcome to hotel Narfell :twisted: ...
Beware naked dwarves.
…not been a problem...Ran into a confused naked elf though!
Beware naked dwarves.
Tips and hints:
Never adventure alone, especially at the newbie levels. Really.If you need assistance from a playerguide, there is an option for requesting one on the RestMenu.
Do drop by our IRC channel, #narfell, on irc.darkmyst.org. It's a good spot to hang out and ask questions.
Don't forget to setup your languages with the language teacher in the OOC Player Lobby. User !help for info on the commands for languages and a ton of other chat commands.
I see you already posted a character background. That'll give you a little XP boost after it's reviewed.
Above all… Have fun!
Welcome I do hope you enjoy your stay!