Fight Night... In Peltarch? I think not... Jousting Night!

  • Rumors spead that the house of Borodin is already planning and sponsoring the next jousting tournament after the success of the first one; though it seems other noble houses may be in talks to do much the same in the future.

    ((We are going to try to make this a monthly event. Maybe the first weekend of the month if that works for a good bit of people. If you have an idea for jousting night, or wish to assist with it, please let me know.))

  • At the completion of the tournament, criers once again hit the streets dressed in the Borodin livery to announce the winners.

    The First Annual Peltarch Jousting Tournament was a grand event! To all who missed the entertainment, the winner of archery. Mike Bin! The winner of the sword, our very own Senator Mariston Thel!

    The winner of the joust, a once noble Senator of the Jewel himself, retirement not holding back this Knight of legend! Sir Roland Brynmor!

    All across the city people talk about the tournament and the winners, the women swooning over the winners of each competition, though it seems Roland Brynmor gets the most attention and his name on the tongues of almost everyone in the city, most a bit shocked perhaps that a man of his age could unseat Thel from his horse. People wait in anticipation for the next tournament.

    ((Good work everyone, was fun 🙂

  • ((Thanks to all those who organized and ran this event, it was lots of fun! Also, thanks to Dora for designing the new tourney grounds and jousting system, they look/work great))

  • ((To begin in 15 minutes!!))

  • ((Correction on that, misread Nillas post. Tournament isnt until 3pm EST, 3 hours and 15 minutes from this post. My bad, :D))

  • ((Jousting Tournament will begin in two hours from this post. 1PM EST.))

  • Shortly after the papers are delivered to Captain Garand, criers dressed in the livery of the Borodin household hit the streets of all three districts to properly announce the upcoming tournament, which is now being sponsored by none other then Magistrate Vlana Borodin herself.

  • After an evening in the Seafarers headquarters, certainly long enough for dinner and a bottle of wine or two, Ama'bael is seen leaving with a tall, hooded elf, his face shaded from clear view. In hand she carries the required paperwork. Rumor spreads the two went to see Guard Captain Garand, the hooded man doing all the talking during the visit and paying the required fee to the city.

    ((Also, time of the event has been changed to be 2 hours earlier.))

  • Unaware of permit laws, and seeming well meaning in all efforts to bring something fun and joyous to the city, Ama'bael picks up said paperwork that needs to be filled out and seems to be delivering it to the Seafarers headquarters to either have someone there fill it out, or perhaps to get assistance with it. Whether the event will go on, is yet to be seen.

  • Guard Captain Ahbrus Garand, upon hearing the rumors of an upcoming tournament, without official city sanction, demands to see permit paperwork from the organizers.

  • //17:00 EST would be 23:00 CET (Berlin, Paris, Brussels, Madrid, etc) according to the online converter, but not sure if that includes the summer light saving setting… they sure like to overcomplicate things >_> //

  • The Order of the Divine Shield indicate that their knights shall participate ((assuming I got my EST to GMT conversation correct))