The Pack seeks hunters...
Hunters in the Spider woods are sometimes approached by a calm man in dark plated armor. He speaks slowly, in a dull monotone.
"Hunters…of skill...are needed" he says slowly, then leads interested parties southwards past Norwick to a small shrine deep in the rawlinswoods.
The altar is constructed of large polished skulls of fearsome predators - a dire bear, a manticore, and various humanoid skulls all carefully smoothed and stained with blood.
"If you...wish a quest...I have three...tasks...that must be...done."
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Interested parties please send me a private message. I need a few details:
i) Your alignment (unless it's shielded) is revealed to Mecc in vague impressions when you enter his grove. He'll know if you're a paragon of good, or a vile scummy pirate. It's only so I can assign appropriate quests. Provide a basic impression of your alignment leanings.
ii) Your class and level (for quest difficulty).
iii) The general level of interest of your character. Indicate if you wish quests for monetary rewards, for brotherhood in the pack, for the simple thrill of the hunt, etc.
I will get back to you with details.
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