Vincent Trueblade

  • Player game log-in: Shilo Telva
    Character: Vincent Trueblade

    The young man took a break from bandaging the injured pilgrims that had been pouring into the temple ever since the Luskans had resumed their banditry. He stands up, stretching and arching his back, chuckling as it cracked. Looking around the room his steel grey eyes scan the injured and the new arrivals. When he makes eye contact his warm smile seems to bring some comfort and a sense of calm to them.

    Suddenly across the room he sees a young acolyte hurrying towards him. He smiles realizing that this was one of the newest to come take their oath and commit their lives to Selune.

    "Brother Vincent, Father Lorin sent me to find you" the young man says , obviously nervous.
    "Well then you have done a fine job , did he have any further instructions?" Vincent asks, his voice as always, exceptionally calm and gentle.
    "Yes, he needs you to come to him immediately, I am to take over for you until your return."

    Without another word Vincent hands the young man his medicine bag full of bandages and poultices. With a pat on his shoulder he hurries from the room, never displaying the sudden concern he felt at the summons. The High Priest of the temple would never have called Vincent away unless it was of the utmost importance. His heart thudding with nervousness he arrived at Father Lorin's door and knocks quietly.

    "Come in Vincent" the deep voice rumbles from behind the door.

    As he enters the door he notices immediately that they are not alone. Two SilverStars, the traveling priests o f Selune, are in the room with them.

    "These are brothers Dorian and Michael," Father Lorin says, then sturns towards them " And this is the one I was telling you two about. This is Vincent Trueblade"

    "Well met Vincent" says the taller of the two " I knew your father well" The darker of the pair remains quiet, just watching them through dark blue eyes.

    " We have come to Father Lorin with a request for aide, we both received a vision telling us to find one who is not false" he studies Vincent a moment, then continues " We were given this vision by a a Shard"

    Father Lorin speaks up, " You were the one I suggested to them, it is time for you to leave us Vincent. You have told me your fondest wish is to be a SilverStar. Well this is where you start."

    "Where do you need me to go Sir?" the thought of declining the honor never even entered Vincent's head.

    "We were told to send the one to Westgate," murmurs Dorian, the darker one, " We believe you will find your guidence there"

    "When do I leave Father?" he asks with barely reserved excitement.

    "Immediately, I have Brother Frances packingyou a travel kit. And Father Crestin is preparing you some armor and a weapon."

    "Very well, if you would excuse me I will go finish preparations" With a slight bow Vincent turns to leave.

    By morning Vincent was ready to leave. After saying goodbye to his friends he headed into Portlast to say goodbye to his mother. She worked at the Alliance Arms Inn as a cook. A brief tearfilled visit and he was off, heading south to Westgate. The trip was relativly uneventfull and he arrived in town tired and hungry, yet excited.

    Westgate was quite a bit larger then the frontier town of Port Last. The srtees were better maintaned and the people looked genuinely happy and prosperous to him. He spent the first several hours just looking around the markets before he spied an inn called the Moonlit Path. How fitting he thought for a follower of the Moon Maiden.

    The interior of the Inn was a nice surprise, clean and orderly, with the smell of mutton in the air and no loud or obnoxious drunks and teamsters. It was apparently more of a locals type of Inn. He paid for his room and climbed the stairs wearily. He had not realised just how tired he was until he sat down upon the bed and leaned back against the wall.

    He awakened suddenly to find his room shrouded in darkness. The light of the full moon streaming through the window made him realise that he had not said his nightly devotions, something he had never forgotten before! He lunged off the bed and fell upon his knees and began to pray while bathed in the full light of the moon. Suddenly the light seemed to change! At first he did not notice, but slowly he became aware that the light now seemed to be coming from behind him as well. He turned to look, and saw the most beautifull sight he had ever seen.

    She was bluehaired and divinely beautiful. A Shard, one of the holy servants of Selune. She looked upon him with a fierce gaze, "Why have you stopped here son of Trueblade?" She asked him, her voice ringing like chimes in the evening breeze.

    His voice trembles slightly as he replies, struck nearly speechless by the honor that was being shown to him, " I , I have no idea where to go from here my Lady. Please tell me where I am needed? Help me find my way."

    Her features soften and the light of the moon in all its glory shines from her eyes, " Go east, ever east. Find a land called Narfell, there are many of our Lady's enemies there. There the dark ones power grows. Go there Vincent and do our Lady's work. Become a SilverStar like your father's father. The people there need you." And with her final words she fades away, leaving the room again bathed only by the light streaming through the open window.

    Without another thought he was gathering his things. Feeling completely refreshed and energized he strode from the room and down to the docks. After a few inquiries he booked passage on a ship bound for Baytown. Never once did he question where he was going. If The MoonMaiden wanted him to go east, then east he would go.

    He had work to do in this realm of Narfell.

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