Glinus Lutgen

  • Glinus Lutgen was King Lutgen's son they were a very powerful and well known clan in the Galinus Mountains. One day there mountain home was raided by Human Marauders. He was awoken during his sleep to the sounds of catapults being fired at the gates and ran out the door. He went into the palace to find to his dismay his father lying near dead he went to him and found that a spear was lodged into his chest keeping him pinned to the wall. The spear was keeping him alive but also was causing him great pain. His father told him to grab the royal axe in its case and he was told to never forget what had happened here, and pulled the spear from his fathers chest. A few moments later 3 marauders came in with axes in hand. He grabbed his axe in a rage and killed all 3 of them. Exhausted he heard more marauders just outside who heard the carnage and he pushed the throne aside,revealing the secret tunnel behind it. He hurried down the tunnel to the explosive barrels that would collapse the tunnel… he lit the fuse and left his old home forever.